Where the Heck did Spring Go????

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Multiple 90 degree days already???????

I've been watering like crazy and everything is OK. But I haven't gotten my drip system finished for my mater beds. SO I have to hand water those.

How is everyone else dealing with the heat?


Barnesville, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes, feels like late July out there. The only way to deal with it is be out there at 6:30 am to water or do whatever else needs done.............can only take about 1hr or so even that early. We have a veg garden about 40' x 40' and DH installed rainbird systems around the perimeter of it.....the only way we could water that much. The weeds are very healthy in there too!!!!!

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

I did put in a drip system for my tomatoes and added one to the pepper bed. Everything else is dying of thirst. I do hand water my orchids on the shed porch at valid times. A lot of my plants from RU are not making it...

BB - how are your maters? Have they been setting fruit in this heat. I think mine have stopped. I have horn worms and army worms on attack now. Tried to buy some BT this morning, but couldn't find any at HD, Lowe's or Wally world. Trying the Ace in Winder after I go to Tractor Supply. You would think with all the emphasis on organics that the big box stores would have it, but nooooo...


Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

I have been hand watering them Becky.

So far they are fine and have been setting fruit. It got very dark yesterday but it never rained. I am glad I watered

I too am frustrated at the lack of organic controls at the stores. I needed some DE to help with my slug problem but can't find any. With shipping the way it is, I try to buy something local first.


Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

DH found BT in 2 forms at Coopers Seed in L'ville. You might try them for the DE.


Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I have about a quarter acre in veggies this year with no irrigation in place. We are spring fed and on a cistern. I have already run the cistern dry once this Spring, so am very careful. DH is not happy when he has to crawl around in the dark to replace filters after I run mud through the pipes! As I said on another thread, I water half in the a.m. and half in the p.m.. What I didn't mention was the watering I did in between. Watering is my life right now and I hate it. Bugs have been behaving pretty well except for flea beetles. They are driving me NUTZ! Usually it's a few rounds of organic sprays on the eggplants and we're home free. This year they are lacing every leaf they can put a hole through and silvering the stuff they can't (such as squashes) Usually they are near the ground, but this year they are five feet up on the pole beans. It's hard to spray with anything, including botanicals/organics in this heat without damaging the plants. That is unless you get up at four a.m. while it's still cool.

Well, the life of a veggie grower...it's always something!

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Becky

I will try them


Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

We had about 1/4 inch of rain last night. Sure didn't make a difference at all. I went out to turn over a small bed to plant squash (very late I know.) The top was damp, but it was bone dry and even dusty down to 6 inches. I planted anyway and ran a soaker hose on the bed. Now to get some mulch on top after the soaker hose does its job. I guess I'd better water the tomatoes and peppers too. Laurel is right, watering is most of my life right now too. No flea beetles yet, but I don't have eggplant this year. Just aphids, white flies, army worms and horn worms.

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

It was HOT, wasn't it??? My goodness, well I barely managed to extend and then activate my soaker hose system in backyard. Too many young plants and too much sweat went in there to let it die! Soaking every day now at 6.am for 7 minutes. Should do the trick.
They ALL loved the rain from last night though! I could them holler : YIPPEE!! Including my grass in front yard, half of which is not doing well. Get back to question later.

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

The rain was great. I watered when I got home because for the past 2 days, it got really dark and looked like it was going to rain and it didn't.

I managed to get 1/3 of my tomato plants fed with some alfalfa tea. After sitting for a few days in 90 degree heat, it was RIPE.

I love the smell of Alfalfa tea. Smells like the promise of Summer.

My wife thinks I'm certifiably insane.


Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)


Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

That's what wives are for...affirmation. As long as you get out on a day pass here and there you should have no complaint.


Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Yeah. She tolerates me as long as I keep the drooling to a minimum :-)


Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

We got about 3/8" rain on Weds. and a bit last night. That, and the clouds today, allowed for some transplanting. Tomatillos are volunteering in all the wrong places. A little garden redecorating is required. It's never say 'die' to try and cram in one more tomato plant! Tomato hording is a serious wekness of mine. I was able to cut the grass (weeds really) and not choke on the dust.

The flea beetles seem to be on the wane (is that possible?) and, thanks to a friendly toad, a corn snake and a big garter snake, so do the grasshoppers. Hmm, come to think of it I haven't seen the toad in a few days. Hope she hasn't met the snakes! I did dispatch the first Japanese beetle of the season and the stink bugs are gearing up for some fun. Time for Plan B.


Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)


My experience is that they disappear after awhile.


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