MEET EAT AND TREAT.........RU...HAS BEEN CANCELED. The two "will attend posters" have been notified. I am sure travel expense, family vacations and personal garden responsibilities are the major issue. SORRY.... we will consider a spring meeting. Certainly an attendence assuring the treasured swaps, fellowship and picnic would be short of expectations with just three people involved.

This message was edited Jul 22, 2008 9:39 AM

This message was edited Jul 22, 2008 9:46 AM

Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)


I'm all in for it! As I can't make the June RU at Kassia's due to a graduation party I need to attend (if I don't, I'll be out on the porch!)

I live in Scranton, so I'm probably about an hour plus from you, give or take...depending on my lead foot.

I can help any way possible.



This message was edited Jun 10, 2008 8:04 PM

This message was edited Jul 22, 2008 9:52 AM

This message was edited Jul 22, 2008 9:53 AM

Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

Ok...I hope that all other DG'ers in all parts PA, NY, NJ, DE, and possibly OH can attend...although OH would be a hike...lol.

I'm glad to keep tabs, and checks...not a problem at all...

Just waiting on everyone to start...and I know DG'ers aren't shy. lol.

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

That sounds nice doc, and I'll be in your area mid week that week, but not around for the weekend. Hope everyone has a great time. We are going to Lancaster and a Pirate's game mid week.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I am in for a maybe

Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

Coolio. 1 almost, and 1 maybe...

Not being a smarty pants, but they are responses, and any response is a good response!

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Sounds like a cool day! It would be a 4 hour drive for me... I'll have to think about that, although, I probably won't come.



Early this spring I had a most enjoyable day in Maryland at Critter's Swap meeting. Like you I had nearly a four hour trip one way. I went with some reservation. We had so much fun Critter nudged me into setting up one for folks in this area. This is our first effort. Maybe you could find a friend or associate to car pool at least part of the trip.

Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

Last year Paul and I drove to the Fall RU at Logee's...that was fun. Great company, great site, great food, we had a blast. It was a hike for us, can't remember, but I know it was a few hours...did not mind at all, and would do it again in a heart beat. If it wasn't for the graduation party, I would be going to Kassias for that RU.

With this being closer to home at Docs, I just hope a few peeps do carpool, or will come down, it'll be a blast to see everyone again!

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

I almost always consider myself the driver. I don't think I'd mind if I didn't drive my own car. Anybody want to carpool?? I'll drive, just not my own car. It's getting old.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

i would give you an answer but i can't even bare to think about august yet



This message was edited Jul 22, 2008 10:01 AM

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

Felix was one of my favorite books as a child... i still have two figurines and a Christmas ornament

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

I love Felix too. I used to have a figurine that I kept on my dashboard, 'till I took a hard left turn and he went flying out the window. I'll miss him!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

OOPS... gotta hate that


Yes we can handle older guests with a garden tractor and trailer taxi. Two different people ask about our hillside elevation. Assume it will be ready to put into service if the hillside looks a bit difficult.

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

First sentence sounds funny!


To make planning specific we will hold this first RU or Meet, Eat and Treat meeting on Saturday August 16th. Aproximately 10AM through 3PM with both ends open for any who wish to come early and stay late. We will eat about 1PM. Rain or Shine!

This event will be held with whomever wishes to begin with us. We realize all of the implications and considerations that all attendees have to ballance with the time personal expense and date. Picking the date now enables your planning and our's too.

As of this moment there are only a few responses. All events that eventually become good and desirable have to start somewhere and sometime. We will do this with any who will enjoy the opportunity.We will develop from the few who do attend. Those who have attended these RU get together events seem to have had a great time. The expansion of the practice seems to be right considering the location in relation to other similar events. My own attendance at Critter's RU last spring was a real fun experience with little or no effort on my part. Two or three people more or less made it happen for all of us. From our own begining I feel we will find a way to make an event in this area just plain fun.

Now we need those early statements that you will attend to enjoy the event with us. This is the only way I know of to have a garden club of sorts with no long term obligaitons of leadership. Begging now............come on let's get it going. The charcoal is ready and waiting for you! :)

Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

If no one else says yes...I'll still make the trip. I always have DL's and Hosta to give away to be adopted by others. I usually have excess of something, if not everything. lol. I should be able to bring an Elephant Ear or two, or three...atleast their pups. Plus some odds and ends can show up...who knows. Anyone that was at the Fall RU can attest to me bringing a little bit...lol. I can definitely part with some of my spiderwarts...that's a definite!

Just a little more to entice others Doc. If not, I can bring the catsup, mustard, and soda, or tea!


But can you eat a dozen hamburgers? I will collect some native barks from which to make some sass-e-frass tea this weekend. That will cure anything from a skeeter bite to cancer in plant or mankind. :))) And can you take home twenty gallons of aerobic tea? To attest to the value of sass-e-frass tea I one time grafted apple wood to Norway Spruce. Sprayed it just one time with the tea. The following summer we had Northern Pine Apples. The jurry is still out on all the great things aerobic tea will do.

Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

Dozen hamburgers...maybe 1/2 that! 20 gallons...maybe 10. lol. I still need to see the set up. I am a hands on learner. Reading about it in the post, in regard to your aerobic maker, is one thing, but seeing it will be a completely new thing for me. I have always learned better that way! I have not had sass-e-frass tea in a very long long time!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Your RU sounds terrific but it's just too far to drive.


Yes we realize distance is a factor. That is why we hope to generate a gathering of folks between existing opportunities. We have fine facilities near by into which we can grow if interest is shown. Adding a covered dish so to speak enables a sizable expense to be overcome. Events like this are few and far between while attractive to gardeners.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Yep I'm thinking of something similar for this area in August.


Another RU in NY would be nice.

Winchester, VA(Zone 6a)

OH, I would just love to attend an RU. I look for them my way ... it's just too far for me, too. It's also weird being NE and zone 6a in VA.
Have fun!


Bump......is better than a Stickey.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Doc, Ric and I think we would be able to come. My FIL is coming up from Florida for a visit some time around then and I have to find out exactly when he will be here. But other than that our calendar is open.

Medway, MA(Zone 5b)

I wish you well with this RU! Doc, you and Thom are two people I would love to meet! But, unless Aladdin shows up with his magic carpet, I doubt that I'd be able to make it. I think it's about 5 hours just to Philly. Good luck!


Three hours to Phila without to much effort. Up to RT 80 West to Rt. 180 West will put you in the Williamsport area. We will send further instructions to those who can make the event.
On a good day we can hit King of Prussia in a little less time.


Oh I see the trip from Maine would be a dandy. I have ventured out your way on vacation but never that far for a one day event. I have done trips to King Arthur's baking school in NH. I have a B & B friend in that area. As I get a tad older the drives have to be more closely considered.


August 16 will be the day...........rain or shine.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

I think your RU is a great idea! I can't make it but I will make sure to remind others.

Pipersville, PA(Zone 6b)

This sounds great! I was thinking of trying to get one together here (Bucks County, PA)- I'm hoping that maybe someone else from around here will see this and want to ride together- I'd love to come. I could even make a presentation (if that would work within your plans for the day) on Bale Gardening (a perfect coupling with your Compost Tea offering).

Sounds like you're not too close to me, but I'm not sure . . . . take this as a maybe, depending on finding a ride/rider.


Pipersville, PA(Zone 6b)

Docgipe- Another idea I'll just toss out there is that folks attending parties like this could bring their own plate, cup/glass and flatware, keeping it a GREEN event and negating the need for disposables, cleanup and general waste.

Hope I can come- this sounds great!


Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)


At Kassia's someone mentioned NJ and Jim said " If you think I am driving to NJ for plants your on your own". Sorry I will have to pass but you have something going!!!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Unforunately can't do another trip this year and the 16th is daughter's 2nd b-day party.


Last bump..............The count is skimpy for various reasons. I think I see a total of two yes will attend and two maybes. Checking and open to suggestion. I call this quite questionable at this moment. We will check here daily and come back with a final decision within a week.

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