
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)


Can anybody identify this guava as to which type it is from the flowers? Thanks in advance!


Thumbnail by Braveheartsmom
Vieques, PR


Does it start out with a cartoonish simple yellow flower, then turn into one of the blooms shown? I have a bush I can't ID that ends up with flowers almost exactly like yours, but starts with a yellow --same leaves and everything. Didn't know it was a guava, as it has never borne fruit.

This message was edited Jun 27, 2008 7:53 PM

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Hi JP, you know I have never noticed the color of the flowers when they first start because this was all but hidden behind a huge bird planted palm that we just had taken down. I ran out today and looked, but all the blooms are red at this moment in time. I am pretty sure it is some type of guava because it has the lovely colored bark that guavas have, and the leaves look a dead ringer too. I will get Frank to try some of the fruit when it is ready - I don't much care for guava and HE is heavily insured!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)


Vieques, PR

I have pics on my phone but still don't know how to get them outta there to share. Still trying...

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Hey JP - this is what I found this morning! Is it like yours? I am begining to doubt that it is a guava now, but the fruit are guava-like...

Thumbnail by Braveheartsmom
Vieques, PR

That's it exactly --I will inquire around what it is, since I have never seen it produce fruit of any size or likeness to a guava.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Could it be Ochna Serrulata? The fruit I thought were guava came from the guava tree that is growing next to it, it was so muddled up I didn't realize that there were in fact two trees there! Also known as Mickey mouse plant...What do you think?

Vieques, PR

That is it, absolutely --very glad to have the name, and nickname. Frankly, I will stick to the latin name, since I'm loathe to have my meager gardening efforts seem "mickey mouse" in any way.

This plant grows well in Vieques, seems to flower all the time. I've not experienced any invasiveness, nor have I seen any seed pods turn black --maybe birds are getting to it, preventing that, though I've not seen any focused feasting.

I decide a while back to see if I could get the plant to becom more bushy, since it had started getting too tall for its spot. I was not confident, since the branches become very hard wood quite early, and I doubted it would rebranch below my cuts. Doubt has vanished since, with new branching even in places where I reached well into the bush and cut 3/4" thick pieces fairly close to the main trunk.

Well, thanks, BHM, for helping me put a proper name to another of my found plants down here. It will no longer be known as the-plant-by-the-front-gate-with-the-yellow-flowers-that-turn-red-with-a-little-olive-seed-pod, a name I won't miss.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Anybody know how to edit the subject text?

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

JP, I finally had time to look up plant files and I think my plant might be O Thomasiana rather than Serrulata because the flowers on mine are definately not in sprays, but are much more on the ends of the branches as shown in the pictures of Thomasiana...

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I frequently change the subject somewhere in the body of the thread. Seems to work.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

LOL!!!! Christi, thanks for that giggle!

I don't think you can edit the subject line Jen. But if you figure out how, please pass the info along.

LOL, still laughing!


Vieques, PR

I think you're right --mine also looks more like O. Thomasiana, for the reason you cited.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

LOL Christi!

Volcano, HI

Feijoa sellowiana, think it's sometimes called pineapple guava.
Searched Google and the pix look similar. Although looks like
Ochna serrulata too......???

This message was edited Jun 28, 2008 4:49 AM

Laie, HI

Definitily not a feijoa. Feijoa fruit are green colored....about the size of a elongated guava. I think it is a Mickey Mouse. Aloha

Davao, Philippines

This looks like what is known as a money tree in the Philippines and is not a Guava

Keaau, HI

It is Ochna thomasiana.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Aloha, Jenny and Dave.

Husband is heavily insured! Good one. Have insurance, will taste anything.

Having something described as mickey mouse doesn't sound bad to me. Mickey does pretty well for himself, I think. I've never been there and don't wish to go, even on their cruise ships. I'm what you could call kind of allergic to kids up to the age of 25.

Does it produce seeds? You see me coming there, don't you, Jenny and JP. Although I freely admit being notoriously inept with seeds, I would like to try that one. I am willing to send you a SASE if you have some you can spare.

Pu'ole, a.k.a. Sylvain.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Pu'ole,

Will check for seeds - you are more than welcome to some if, or as soon as I have them. ^_^

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

You're too kind, Jenny.

Mahalo nui loa
Pu'ole, a.k.a. Sylvain.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

No worries, will check for seeds as soon as it is light this morning. Is your address on the addy exchange? I have also got some Stephanoitis (Hawaiian wedding flower) seeds, one pod ready and another two ripening - want some of those too?

Xai Xai, Mozambique

Sylvain, i am 16, are you allergic to me too????????????????????
What an interesting plant! have'nt see it before.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Isaac, don't get all bent out of shape there. I'm not allergic to you and I'm sure if I met you in person, I wouldn't snart sneezing, scratching, shortness of breath, tongue swelling, hives or foaming at the mouth. Anyone that's 16 and hangs around Dave's Garden with old fuddy duddies like me is all right in my book.

Take care.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Isak, Sylvain is 'anything' but fuddy duddy. Haven't had the privilege yet of meeting him in person but I will someday. He has a terrific sense of humour and well rounded personality, a huge vocabulary in more than one language. Another treasure.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh Princess, I wasn't refering to Isaac as a fuddy-duddy. I was talking about me. I'd never call a fellow gardening teenager a fuddy-duddy but I am feeling fuddier and duddier every day. It's only a matter of time until I start creaming "You kids get off the lawn" when the trashmen come by twice a week. They'd get a kick out of that, I bet.

Take care, all.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

You misunderstood, Pu'ole. I was disputing your comment that you are a fuddy duddy. Anything but. I know Isak isn't.

Keaau, HI

Anyone who likes plants is good people!

Be careful with Ochna species. They are spread by birds and are already weeds in Hawai'i and Florida.

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Amen, Dave.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Ochna is pretty. We have those in Florida? If you're gonna have weeds, you might as well have pretty ones.


Xai Xai, Mozambique

Hahahaha, sylvain, still laughing!! took me a while to get back here, our internet was down for a couple of days, and have been having a hard time catching up everywhere. Sylvain, i don't think you are a fuddie duddie, though i had to laugh at the term! i am what most kids my age label, "verrrrrrrrrrrryyyy weird!!!" but thats ok, i am used to it. I have a number of friends my age, who accept me for who i am, but unfortunately they won't join me here on DG...
anyway, how are you doing??
if you ever get over on the 'other' site, you should check out Blue Gardens. some nice people there too! many you probably know too..
i am busy changing my back flowerbed from just a regular mix of plants and flowers to a romantic garden!! i know doesn't really fit a guy, but i just thought it would look so great, when you see this romantic flowerbed with paths, looking over the ocean!! today i moved the cement table and benches there too, Goodness they are HEAVY!!!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hello, everyone.

Isaac, you're "verrrrrrrrrrrryyyy weird!!!" You're gonna fit right in, kid. Stick around.

I think starting a romantic garden is a wonderful idea, specially overlooking the ocean. When Spring comes, a young man's thoughts naturally turn to romance. It's only normal. When it's all completed, maybe you'll bring a demoiselle in there one moonlit night. The two of you can sigh in perfect harmony while enjoying the many lovely vistas your domain holds, all the while holding hands and sipping on iced tea with romantic music playing in the background. I suggest Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 21, 2nd movement: can't miss. And since you're be a gentleman, she'll tell all her friends. They'll OOH and AAH at the idea. You'll be very popular with the girls, my friend. You'll have to chase them off with a stick. Oh, to be young again. All I have left is the stick!

Girls, am I right? Isn't Isaac going to be Xai Xai's most eligible bachelor as soon as his garden is completed?

Take care, all.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

But of course!!!


Xai Xai, Mozambique

hahahaha, Sylvain, you are outrageous!!!!!!! i laughed so much i cried!
gotta admit, i don't have the problem of having to chase girls away with a stick!!! the only girls who like me is elderly ladies, lol. But thats ok, i'll meet the right demoiselle soon enough, and i will follow your advice, sylvain!!!! :-)

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

You're doing the right things, it can't miss. And if everything else fails against all odds, you'll still have a nice garden.

Take care.

Xai Xai, Mozambique

Hahaha, thanks, sylvain!!!

Laie, HI

Just checking in here after a few months travel. Lourspolaire........just want you to know that I was not trying to make a smart remark calling the ochna shrub Micky is the local name for it here in Hawaii. If you look at the fruit it does look a bit like micky mouse face. :0) aloha

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

No offence taken, SM.

Pu'ole, a.k.a. Sylvain.

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