Do I need to move my John Paul II to a sunnier spot?

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

I bought two clematis this spring, Proteus and John Paul II. Proteus has taken off and grown like a champ, at least 40" tall, and is blooming. After about 7 weeks, John Paul II hasn't grown one single wit, and looks exactly the same as when I put him in the ground. I put him in an area that gets some shade, especially in mid-to-late afternoon intense sun, at the foot of a climbing rose, so they could share a trellis. Does his lack of growth mean he needs more sun? Do I need to give him a fertilizer boost? Everything else I planted in that bed is thriving, well amended soil, wood mulch (kept away from the stem.)

I am a clematis newbie, so any suggestions are welcome! The last time I tried clematis, two years ago, a rabbit ate it off to the ground. It just re-emerged after no sign of it last year at all, and is now almost 5 feet tall, so I guess they must be pretty hardy little plants. Now I just wish I had kept the tag, so I remembered what type I planted then! I keep checking for buds, knowing that I won't know what it is until it blooms!

Trying to figure out where else I could put John Paul, if the consensus is that he needs full sun, not partial shade. . .

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Forgot to include the picture. This is when I planted it, in May, so I guess it hasn't been as long as I thought. It is still this exact same size, though without the blooms now.

Delaware, OH

the pope can go full sun or partial. in partial the blooms have more pastel coloration than when they are in full sun.
the pope is very vigorous, but has a fussy streak and can die back and re grow several times in one season here at my place in zone 5. with the pope, i can never explain what caused the die back, it is not clematis wilt..just a mystery within the plant i think. always different variables to this. that said, it is pretty reliable and can grow 6 to 8 feet in a season with long lasting, meduim sized blooms of up to 6 or 7 inches across.
you mentioned a clematis disappearing..keep the spot marked for at least 18 months, or two seasons. some hardy but not vigorous plants can take awhile to come back.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru

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