Ginkgo biloba 'Majestic Butterfly'

Niles, MI(Zone 5a)

Always love taking pics after a rain....

Thumbnail by dybbuk
Niles, MI(Zone 5a)


Thumbnail by dybbuk
Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Absolutely stunning! Love the leaves and your pictures. Nice collection.

Niles, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks growin. Always appreciate your pics too. You have a "green lens"....

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

lol. I hope you add these to Plantfiles as you've really captured the foliage beautifully with the carefully placed drops of water. You've done a nice job of growing these Ginkgo on.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Wow, that is a gorgeous tree! I love the variegation of the leaves.

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

That is amazing!

Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

Well shoot, are you the only one growing this LOL?! I may need this one! And how mini?

Niles, MI(Zone 5a)

Not sure of how big it'll get. 10-15'? Mine's put on about 6" this year.

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 5a)

Hi Todd,
Well, your 'MB' is doing much better than mine. My tree has not really put on any measurable growth this year. It has leafted out just fine, but no real growth. I guess I will have to wait until next year to see if it actually "grows".

Beautiful pics, BTW.

Niles, MI(Zone 5a)

hi mike,

do you have good variegation? i had 2 branches all green that i removed. otherwise it's very colorful...

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 5a)

Hi Todd,
Yes, my tree has pretty good variegation on the leaves and no all green leaves at all.

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Just ordered MB last week. Should get it delivered any day now. Where should I plant it? Sun/ shade/ part?

Beautiful picutures.....

Niles, MI(Zone 5a)

I'd suggest a place that gets some shade. Mine was getting a little sunburned on the variegation so I moved it. That's my 2 cents.....

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

man1410 - May I ask where you ordered yours? I cannot find a source for this amazing tree, & would love to have one! Thanks, Samantha

Iowa City, IA(Zone 5a)

Dybbuk, your 'Majestic Butterflies' looks a lot like mine - I will have to take some pictures! The variegation really brightened up over the past month, I was unimpressed originally when the tree arrived earlier this season. Mine put on about 4" of new growth, but only vertically, nothing on the one side branch. We each got ours from Song Sparrow, right? I don't think I have any solid green leaves on mine at all.

Do you have yours in the ground or container planted? I currently have mine in a pot with well draining soil and am wondering whether I will overwinter the container in the unheated garge or if I should bring it in the unheated basement (which stays in the 50's for most of winter). It is currently my favorite containerized plant and don't want to do anything to risk losing it this winter.


Niles, MI(Zone 5a)

Yes, I got mine from Songsparrow and it was in the ground all winter and survived. I then dug it up and put it in a container as I wasn't sure about where I had planted it. I was a bit nervous about it being in the ground but it did well. Last fall I put many of my containerized ginkgoes in the ground ('Robbie's Twist', 'Tubiformis', 'Jade Butterflies', 'Mutant Weeper'---aka 'Weeping Wonder', 'Saratoga', 'Sunstream', 'Canopy', 'Bullwinkle', 'Elmwood Upright', and 'Chase Manhattan'. They all are doing great except for 'Chase Manhattan' which I have given up on trying anymore. Just doesn't wanna be part of my collection.

Is anyone else growing 'Sunstream'? It's the showstopper of variegation. Large leaves and no reversion (yet). Here's a recent pic....

Thumbnail by dybbuk
Iowa City, IA(Zone 5a)

I also have a 'Chase Manhattan' in a container...I understand that one to be a bit of a trouble maker, I think it was one of your former posts that I read and thought "This probably does not stand a chance in the ground." It seems to be happy in the pot for now, I'll probably put it in the garage when the weather starts to get bad then put it in the basement when we start to get those REALLY cold days in January.


Minneapolis, MN(Zone 5a)

Hi Elizabeth,
My 'Majestic Butterflies' was in the ground all winter without any damage and I am in zone 4a! I think it would be best for your tree to be in the ground (or at least sink the pot to the rim for the winter). You will need to protect the plant from the bunnies, too. I would use 4' tall chicken wire. Last year I had 2' tall chicken wire around some of my plants and with all of the snow, the bunnies just walked over the top of the wire and damaged the plants. I am replacing the 2' chicken wire with 4' chicken wire, for this winter and each winter hereafter.

I, too, have lost 'Chase Manhattan' a couple of times, but due to the rootstock rotting during the summer. I use a well-drained container mix so I don't know what the deal is? The rootstocks are just seedlings so that shouldn't make a difference. All of the other Ginkgoes I have in pots are just fine and they are in the same container mix. Hmm???

That 'Sunstream' is beautiful. Is that from Songsparrow? I might need to get that plant.

Niles, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi Mike,

'Sunstream' came from Collector's Nursery before they went down. I've never seen it offered anywhere else. They used to have some amazing stuff.


Another pic:

Thumbnail by dybbuk
Minneapolis, MN(Zone 5a)

Hi Todd,
Thanks for the info. I think I have heard that Collectors may be selling again, but on a much more limited basis. Diana lost her husband and that's why Collectors has been closed for mail order business. I believe her husband did all of the grafting, etc., so we will have to see what plants are offered in the future. I would love to find a 'Sunstream' since it has amazing foliage.
p.s. were you at the Conifer convention in Dubuque a couple of weekends ago? If you were, I'm sorry I missed meeting you.

This message was edited Jul 9, 2008 9:11 PM

Niles, MI(Zone 5a)

No, I wasn't there. Anything exciting to report?

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 5a)

Well, there was a really cool new ginkgo called 'Jehoshaphat' (sp?) that was EXTREMELY dwarf and compact. I think the tree went for around 500.00 in the verbal auction - way too much for my pocketbook. I would guess in the next 5 years or so it may start to become available.

There were also loads and loads of really cool new conifers and plants. I purchased a Pinus strobus 'Angel Falls' and a Picea abies 'Jacobsen's Aurea'. 'Angel Falls' is a really strict weeping form of white pine and 'Jacobsen's Aurea' is a golden Norway spruce that is smaller than the species tree with good gold color.

There was also a really nice 'Mutant Weeper' ginkgo for sale that went for about 350.00 at the auction. I purchased a Ginkgo 'Mariken' from a nursery we visited that was just outside of Dubuque.

I also saw a bunch of really cool gardens. I need to take a bulldozer and clear my lot and start over. I also need about 5 to 10 more acres of land.

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)


I got mine from Whitman Farms. Just got it delivered today. Great looking plant, about ten inches tall.
The price was great as well! It is not listed on their website. I would suggest call them or email them. The owner is a wonderful lady, I am sure she will find you one.

Niles, MI(Zone 5a)

Remind me next year to go. Sounds like my kind of fun.....

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 5a)

Unfortunately, this was a one-time shot. This was the National conifer society meeting (combined with the Central Region meeting) and next year the meeting is in Long Island, NY. There will be a Central Region meeting next year, but I think that it is going to be in Ohio.

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

Man1410- Thanks for the tip!! Will do as soon as I get a minute! Blessings! Samantha

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