Nebraska bog

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

This is a follow up thread from

I will finally share some pictures...
This was my set up to wash sand. I used an old commercial dish washer rack to sit of the barrel, drum, or which ever-the white thing-, lined that with burlap. then hosed it off. This made a nice working height for me. When it got full, I tipped it over some. There was a lot of fine sand in the bottom. When i was done, I put it in between some bricks. The green garden trug is one of my favorites for working in the garden.

Thumbnail by 7oaks
Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

close up-this shows a screen. Lost way too much sand, burlap worked better.

This message was edited Jun 9, 2008 6:33 PM

Thumbnail by 7oaks
Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

This picture (taken from upstairs), is after I emptied it to put the new liner in. No fun, just in case you were wondering!

Thumbnail by 7oaks
Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

This picture shows how close we are to a creek. Again, this shot was from upstairs. It had rained a lot up stream, so it is pretty full. Has been fuller, but never in the garden, close once. There usually isn't much water in it.

Thumbnail by 7oaks
Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

The bog is planted!! Then it hailed :>( Things took a beating, but are trying to grow. All the additional rains keep knocking things down tho.
I got real lucky and found some petrified wood! I hope I'm able to get more.

Thumbnail by 7oaks
Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

One of the rocks

Thumbnail by 7oaks
Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Another one.

Thumbnail by 7oaks
Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

A view of my work in progress. The circle is where I put my lotus. I used on old preformed pond, that I got for $5 at a garage sale, for a damp garden area, I did poke holes in it. Have dug a couple other holes, and lined them with old rubber roofing, not tight, just to be able to keep it moist. I plan on sinking some large tree pots to keep some things contained.

Thumbnail by 7oaks
Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

I'm going to post a couple more pictures of my little pond on the water garden forums later. This is a stand back view.

Thumbnail by 7oaks
Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

VERY Nice!

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Thank you. Next spring will be my true test, to see what my survival rate will be...

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7a)

Your bog is really looking nice. You have put so much work into it I certainly hope your plants thrive.

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Thanks and Me Too!!!

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Has anyone heard from Equilibrium lately? I know she gets to travel a lot. Hopefully she's not where all the flooding is going on. Sounds horrible for those poor people.

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