Manzate - Pro-stick, has anyone used this for blight?

Beaver, WV(Zone 5b)

I have always used copper for tomato blight with limited success, but this year someone recommended Manzate. What are your thoughts - does it work? Is it relatively safe?

I use raised beds and containers so rotation is a problem. Some might say will just replace your soil in your containers, but it is cost prohibitive. I love heirloom tomatoes. I'll generally raise 15 or so varieties each year, with two to three plants per variety. You are talking 100's of dollars to replace all that soil each year.

I used to start a new raised bed and pour the old soil in the new bed and then use fresh sterile soil for my tomatoes. (mixed with compost) It's just got too expensive. So when someone told me they never rotated their tomatoes, and used Manzate successfully to control blight - I was very interested.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

It is reccommended for both early and late blight on tomatoes. Do not use within 5 days of harvest. It is DuPonts reccomendation, I have never used it so have no idea how effective it is.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Looks like it's Mancozeb with spreader sticker included.
Another product you can use is Daconil.

Beaver, WV(Zone 5b)

TECHNICAL PROBLEM - I have manzate pro-stick, it is to be mixed at 1.5 t 3.0 lbs/acre for tomatoes. I have 130 square feet. I have a 1/2 gallon sprayer, how much manzate to 1/2 gallon of water and how much should that treat?

That's .005 lbs for the 130 square feet. I get .08 oz for the 130 square feet, is this correct?

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