Aspargus Harvesting?

Rochester, NY

So I came home one day a week or so ago to find a bag on my front steps with a three Asparagus root crowns and a note from a neighbor saying that he had received them from a friend but had no room for them. He wasn't around so I could not ask any in depth questions about the age of them or anything else. I found some unused real estate in my garden and planted them each in a hole with adequate spacing between them and hoped for the best. Yesterday I find that nice spears are already rocketing out of the ground from all three, I mean these spears look delicious and very healthy. I have some knowledge of how perennials must store energy for the next season and have heard that you should wait a season on asparagus before harvesting. Seeing as I have no background on these plants, what should I do this year?

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

With asparagus they say to not harvest for the first year and then sparingly the second year. You might find this article helpful.

Rochester, NY

Thats what I thought, the spears just look so tempting to pick, but I'll leave em this year....Thanks.

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

You're welcome! I know how tempting it is to pick them. I planted a new asparagus bed three years ago and this is the first year I've had a big enough harvest to really enjoy.

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