Million Bells

Ottawa, ON(Zone 4a)

Has anyone saved seeds from Million Bells before (those miniature petunias)? Did they come true from seed?

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Do you have seeds coming on yours? I've never been able to get any from my plants. There have been a couple of folks that said they did get a few seed pods off theirs. I doubt they'll come true... but I would still plant them to see what I got. They may be similar to the parent or something completely different.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 4a)

For the first part of the summer I had all of one seed pod which just ripened (I harvested 5 whole seeds LOL). Lately I've got seed pods swelling all over the place. Can't figure out why the change.

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

I started one from a cutting off my mom's Terra Cotta - very easy rooting. now if it survives the winter...

Ottawa, ON(Zone 4a)

Ah, good to know. Just popped it in some soil? I'm planning on trying cuttings just before first frost.

dobie, ON(Zone 3a)

I've had million bells and they never set seed. What did you do JanetR to get seeds from it? Would buy it again if I thought I get it to reseed. Here we have to grow it as an annual.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 4a)

Marilyn, I didn't do anything. The weird thing is it didn't set seeds for ages and lately has started all over the place. Can't figure it.

It remains to be seen if the seeds will be viable, if they even get a chance to ripen before frost. Of course, I already have 5... LOL

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

The seeds are viable, but not true to variety. Some will look like the parent plant and others will be variations of it. Just sow them like petunias. I think the shorter days have something to do with setting seed.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 4a)

Any idea what the parents would be? Ordinary petunias don't do anything for my pulse rate.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

None of mine have set seed either. I've got 5 different varieties. I did hear that they do not come true from seed, but it might be interesting to see what you get.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 4a)

Well, I harvested a few more today, so if they're viable I should have enough to try next year. I'll keep you posted if anything happens. But I'm going to take cuttings anyway... ;o)

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

Janet, I put the cutting in a peat pot, watered it with a little root stimualtor and then kept it watered. I really need to get it into a pot, the roots are coming through the mesh on the peat pot. It hasn't put out any new leaves yet, but it's been concentrating on those roots. I've been checking my white one for seed pods, but nothing yet and fall is coming fast!

Ottawa, ON(Zone 4a)

I'm afraid I'm very primitive when it comes to cuttings. I stick them in moist potting mix and expect them to produce. ;o) If I'm feeling particularly benevolent, I'll pop a jar over it for the greenhouse effect. Just put my first rose cutting in the ground. ;o)

Summer is staying late here and nights are still balmy, so I'll worry about cuttings a little later.

dobie, ON(Zone 3a)

If you get lots of seeds do you want to trade some? Let me know.
Thanks trailingon

Ottawa, ON(Zone 4a)

Sure Marilyn. If I feel particularly benevolent, I might just give them to you outright... ;o)

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