Gardening in the Woods

Highland, MD(Zone 7a)

I am wondering how besides a big fence do you keep the woods out of your gardens if you live in the woods like I do? I live literally "in" the woods. We have some grass but not much and almost all of my garden beds back up to the woods. I need some way to delineate the back of my bed from the actual wood line. In our back yard it literally goes from grass to woods with a few small trees and shrubs and the woods are constantly coming into the yard. Any ideas?

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

I have a very similar problem, but haven't figured out the solution yet. I'm constantly pulling out various seedlings of oaks, wax myrtles, sweetgums, pines, and who knows what else! (Then there's poison ivy and other vining things.) I'm beginning to think the only answer is a rock wall. But there aren't enough rocks in the world to go the whole property line. LOL. Wish I knew the answer.

Barnesville, GA(Zone 7b)

Well ladies, I'm in the same boat, however, we bought this property for the woodlands surrounding us (roughly 7 acres behind us are ours and both sides are deeply wooded), which provide us with lots of privacy and wonderful scenery. In addition, the birds we see are lovely, some on their way home to the North in the summer. The hardwoods are a treat for them as well as other wildlife. We decided to accept what is there and plant around it. Mind you, it is frustrating at times not being able to plant what looks beautiful in pictures, but, when you REALLY look at some of the natives growing, you appreciate what was there before you arrived. As far as deer go, I've been lucky there must be enough growing away from the flower beds we've planted that they like, they've only destroyed one hosta in the 10 yrs. we've been here. A few of the natives for beauty........first is 'sparkleberry' a type of wild blueberry

Thumbnail by bugme
Barnesville, GA(Zone 7b)

Next is a view of the azaleas planted at the edge of the woodlands

Thumbnail by bugme

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