Is this a deficiency or just cold ???

Merino, Australia

I have some cuttings of what I was told is Brug. Versicolor and they have done well up to now. It has been very cold here and although they are all in the greenhouse, I wondered if the cold was stating to affect them. the leaves as you see have a yellow/green edge which to me usually means a deficiency . can anyone advise what i should do ?
I have other well grown cuttings in there from chrissy They are Suavolens and her Grand Marnier look alike. There are also some cuttings of what I was told was an apricot flowered Angel The leaves on these are much larger than the suavolens and more furry . There seems to be no problem with any of these other ones.
Should i just leave things go until Spring or feed something to them now ?
Any help much appreciated.

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Merino, Australia

Leaves of the suavolens and apricot flowered Angels. they are very healthy looking. The new growth is a bit lighter green than the older leaves but that seems normal in many plants.

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Jean since I have no experience with whatever type of Angel that is ...I can only take a guess may be too cold.Don't forget to ease off the water in cold temps (only water when the leaves start to droop a little) and then only enough to keep them alive.I you are really worried take in in somewhere in doors.In America it is common for the plants to lose their leaves in cold temps.They shoot back up in warmer times.Restrict the fertilizer too if it's cold.

Merino, Australia

Thanks chrissy.
I will leave it and see how it fares . I have had a lot of different plants that lose a bit of color at various times and they usually pick up in warmer weather when they are fed. It being one of my Angels , I was more curious than worried as it is all a learning experience.
I'm not going to bring anything inside as I don't have the room . My policy with all my plants is survive or die .. Most survive and as the Angels are still growing well in the cold I guess they are survivors.

Jean I have been trying to post a pic but my security AVG is stopping me perhaps later, I checked my plant and it has that exact yellow margin as yours does ...I don't think this plant is a versicolor because I have a peach versicolor from Alistair and the leaves look nothing like these ones, these look more like my Arborea leaves ...however I have read that the sanguinea look like the arborea so ...I guess it will be a waiting game to see what happens Angels all look good too and this is only happening on the two cuttings from you ...I don't think it is any disease, perhaps just a Winter trait of this Angel ...I am sure whatever it is it will be ok so don't fret too much.

Security finally allowed me to load the pic here is one of mine Jean it has a tiny yellow margin around the leaf edges too.

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Took a couple of shots of my versicolor peach

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Merino, Australia

Hello chrissy. It looks like this may just be a trait of the plant as the whole plant looks perfectly healthy and yours would be warmer than mine. Interesting to watch and see how they grow.
I wasn't able to get a really good look at the parent due to it being squashed into a very crowded tiny glasshouse. If I get back there I will have a better look and ask about the tree's behaviour in different seasons.

The middle leaf is a versicolor leaf

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Merino, Australia

How lovely. The leaves look different to to my versicolor. Maybe mine is something else. Will have to wait and see what it turns out like as it gets bigger.
It's raining !!!!!

Merino, Australia

The leaves on my 'apricot' cuttings are about 12" - 13" long. Much bigger than all the others.
Furry too.
The versicolor has smooth leaves.

I am pretty sure whatever it is will be great ...I am only learning myself experience is what we will be gain as we go along ...13C and drizzling here ...I hope that may help you Jean ...I think part of the reason these plants are not as popular as they should be is a great deal of confusion over types and lack of info ...hopefully we can rectify a lot of that ...I have an old garden catalogue that only ID's the Angels by colour.Still happening.
happy gardening

You will love the "Apricot " just keeps on keeping on ...almost always in flower ...good breeder/always grows easily from cuttings and very pretty ...what more can anyone ask?

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