Gerber daisy seeds

Byron, GA

I was wondering if anyone has started gerber daisy from seeds and if so could you help me. I have some gerber daisys now and I picked off what I think is the seeds but I need help.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I thought perhaps an expert would jump in, so I hope an amateur (that would be me) can help. Gerberas are really native to a climate that does not have the temperature swings we have, nor the heat. They live in temperate South Africa and cannot tolerate our hot weather for long. They grow like cyclamens or those little colorful primroses that are sold in early Spring. More a plant for the florist industry. The are sold to give a big, bright splash of color (albeit short) in the garden.

So, I'm betting that Gerbera seed is germinated in relatively cool greenhouses (like FL in Winter) and that by the time you could get those seeds going you would have a problem getting them through Winter. If you tried for Spring, you would need a greenhouse or grow room with temps in the 70's daytime and fifties nights. Also some seeds and plants require specific day lengths which can be controlled in greenhouses. Don't know about Gerbera light requirements. I know this isn't the answer you were looking for, but I've only seen them grown by professional growers in a controlled environment.


Byron, GA

Thank you very much for the info. It sounds like this is a plant I will just have to buy instead of trying to grow myself :)

Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Here are some links that might help, I have been trying to starts some too.

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