View my seedlings

Lawrencetown, NS(Zone 5a)

Hi everyone

Well, it seems like forever since I posted I had bud scapes on my seedlings. I now have my pictures posted on photopoint which unfortunately dosen't display as well anymore. I'll have to find a better site but for now, there they are.

Comments anyone?

I do know that this was the first year for blooms so they may not be the same next year but I have documented size, scape height, coloring, etc. and we'll see what next year brings.

I have much better ones that I hope will bloom next year.


Nova Scotia, Canada

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

Darlene, excellent job!! You've got me excited, I just started a couple of trays of seeds and have them coming up already.
Thanks for the encouragement you gave by showing what can be done!!!

Oklahoma City, OK(Zone 7a)

Your plants are gorgeous. You definately have a green thumb - or blessings from God - or both. Thanks for sharing with us.

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)


Wow those are fantastic!!! I had two seedlings I started back in 1998 and they just bloomed this year. How did ya get them to bloom in a years time?? I want to play with more seedlings but hate the wait to see the results!! LOL!!

Ozark, MO

Neat, How did you get them to bloom in one year? I wanna try this. I'm just an overly enthusiastic beginner! BTW did you do the crosses yourself? Someone should do a web site with the whole process documented with pictures and all.

Lawrencetown, NS(Zone 5a)

Thanks everyone for your responses and kind words. In answer to how did I get them to bloom so fast - well, I think while they were growing last year, I watered them almost daily and I think that made a big difference. I didn't do the crosses myself. They came from a friend and the bees pollenated them. However, looking at her daylily pictures, I can pick a few of the parents out which is really neat. I did grow them from seed indoors from February to April and then planted outside. Late frost got them and they had to regrow. I watered them almost daily all summer and by fall they were huge and some were producing extra fans. Then this spring, there they were getting scapes. There are a few duds which always happens but for my first shot, it was very exciting. A few melt in the sun but they would likely be fine in part shade. I have a new batch going that hopefully will bloom next year and I do have the crosses for those which will make things more exciting.

I highly recommend giving it a shot. However, I don't know that I'd grow inside again as this year I had a terrible fungus gnat problem that drove me insane. It might take an extra year to get blooms but I think next time the seeds will be planted directly outside.

If I can help anyone with the starting process, feel free to email me directly at

This winter I'll be hibernating and taking back up my counted cross stitch addiction.

Take care all and thanks


Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

Beautiful Experiments! I think next year I will have to let mine seed, or play around with hybridizing myself. I have always cut them so they would spend more energy underground instead of seeding.

I bet the water had everything to do with it! I read that daylilies like a drink everyday!

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