ID please! Narrow, upright, dark burgundy leaves.

Tuskegee, AL(Zone 8a)

It can't be rare, since it is in a local nursery, but I'm not familiar with it. The leaves are just a foot and a half tall now, so no blooms. The foliage is narrower than I've seen before, and it is a dark, solid, burgundy-purple.

Sorry for my ignorance, I'm just getting into cannas heavily this year.

Thanks for any input!

Winnsboro, TX

It sounds like Australia to me. They have slender leaves like your describing. But with so many cannas out there you best just call it a NOID and enjoy it as such. You can look up Australia and see if they look the same.

Good Luck and happy gardening,
Marian, another canna lover!

Tuskegee, AL(Zone 8a)

Actually, Australia is among the few I'm familiar with. Australia's leaves are closer to black, glossier, much broader and not upright. These leaves are no more than three inches wide, as upright as iris blades and more red-burgundy. It was just coming up, and not very tall yet, so I don't know what the mature form would be. I asked the nursery to hold it for me, but I haven't been back to town in more than a week, and I would be surprised if they've held it. I'll be in town tomorrow and can see. Perhaps someone will be there this time who knows what it is.

Marian, thank you for taking the time to respond.

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

It's very difficult to correclty ID a canna unless it has some very distinguishing features. There are so many that are very similar and to boot there are quite a lot of unnamed seedlings out there that are, well, unnamed. You wouldn't necessarily get a correct ID with a photo and blooms, but without......very unlikely :(

Your best bet would be to become familiar with some of the more commonly available canna and see if those look like it. But still, without blooms it's a bit like driving in the dark, you could decide it looks like Intrigue, then it blooms red and it couldn't be.

Coal Center, PA(Zone 6a)

I would guess it Intrigue or Australia.
I could tell if I could see the leaves, but I don't see them here ..LOL
You will know sure shortly as it blooms and as the leaves mature.
Sounds you have a good canna anyhow .. no matter what it is .. :-)
These type leaves are among my favourites.

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

got a picture?

Tuskegee, AL(Zone 8a)

I finally found someone at the nursery who identified it as Red Futurity. I suppose the leaves were more narrow and erect than usual because it was just coming up. On the possibility that it is a narrower mutation, I will check in at the nursery the next time I am in town and snatch it up if it is an oddity and post pics.

Thank you all for trying to help ID this canna.

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Intrigue, if it grows very tall, and will have red spikey flowers. Red Futurity will only grow to 2 1/2 - 3 ft., and have a fuller red bloom.


Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

Intrigue doesn't have red flowers, they are a peachy/apricoty color.

Coal Center, PA(Zone 6a)

And 'Red Fururity' flower are smaller and someone bell like.
It's spire always reminds me of a christmas tree shape.

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