Rivery Culture

MIddle Blue, Indonesia

One of the Borneo island main culture's are the Banjar, the other are Dayaks. Different from Dayak, all of the Banjar tribes live near the river. So, they develop a river based cultures. River are important natural source for the people of Banjar. It is different from Java's culture who seems to view river as a garbage trash and something that must be avoided (the river in Java arent steadily watered, and sometimes get a disaster for the locals due the sudden wave while in Borneo, rivers are steadily watered. The water height have no big different each season, and the river give so much benefit to Banjar people.

The pictures show the local transportation called "kelotok". People in Banjar used these kind of transportation along with the road. It is nice to ride it ^^

Thumbnail by mochimo
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Thanks for showing us the kelotok, mochimo. It looks like a wonderfully peaceful way to take a ride on the river. Is Banjararu the capitol city for the Banjar people?

MIddle Blue, Indonesia

Nope, the capital city are Banjarmasin. Banjarbaru is located about 36 Km from Banjarmasin. The Indonesian people called Banjarmasin as a "thousand river city" because decades ago there was so many rivers in this city.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Fascinating Mochimo! Thanks for the picture and the information. Would love to hear more!


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Yes...very interesting!!! I love your part of the world!!!

MIddle Blue, Indonesia

Culture festival in Banjarmasin, representing the tradisional boat, the Jukung.
I got totally late to come, otherwise I could saw hundreds of Jukung with various ornaments ^^

Thumbnail by mochimo

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