Canada Through Your Eyes

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Thought it would be nice to see everyone's pictures of places, in your province, that you'd like others to see.

Saskatchewan.....The Sandcastles near the town of Beechy (on the shores of Lake Diefenbaker/South Saskatchewan River). BTW Beechy, population 243, had one of the most amazing small town greenhouses I've even had Brugmansias, some varieties of Coleus I've not seen anywhere else, and a number of vining plants that were new to me! :D It's truly in the middle of nowhere (in the southern quadrant) and for my DH to do calls there he has to take an ice road (in the winter) or the ferry (or else there is the option a really long drive around Lake Diefenbaker).

Thumbnail by Lilypon
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Very cool picture.

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

This thread is a great idea. I'll try to get out and about this weekend to get some pics of what I would like everyone to see in my area.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

I'm happy you enjoyed seeing it Joanna. :) A petroleum geologist from Calgary informed me that this Cretaceous aged strata Formation was probably continuous all-the-way to Alberta and the Badlands there, but the glaciers and their melt-waters probably eroded large portions of this stratum away (hence the difference in looks between this location and the stratum in Drumheller).

He went on to say that according to both local Hydrogeologists and Petroleum Geologists, this is the Upper Cretaceous Snakebite Member of the Bear Paw Formation. The Bear Paw Sea extended from the present day Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic Ocean in the Cretaceous. The reason other areas don’t have the “sandcastle” (aka badlands) morphology is because the Snakebite Mbr is covered by the younger (Quaternary) glacial tills of the Battleford Fm.

Ginny I'd be tickled pink to see your pictures! :D

I, like everyone else here have been busy in the yard and at our 2 veggie patches but am hoping it will slow down soon.

A different view of the Beechy formation.

Thumbnail by Lilypon
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Oh what the heck more. This angle reminds me more of a dragon's back and tail (or the Great Wall of China)

Thumbnail by Lilypon
Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Sighhh...As seems usual with me, life intruded and I didn't get a chance to get out and get those pictures. I will get them, but I'm not going to give a promised delivery date :-)

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Will be pleased to see them whenever you can post them Ginny! I kinda figured this might languish for awhile (but was hoping people would think of this thread when they see an area they might like to share).

North Saanich, Canada

DH is temporarily working with his cousin on his organic farm, close to Ashcroft BC. I have just been up there for a few days, and it really is gorgeous around there. Will post a few pics. To get to the farm, you actually drive off Highway #1, and drive up 5K into the mountain area. This picture shows White Mountain, and the farm is at the base.
This farm has been around for awhile. It is totally off the power grid, and they get their electricity from water flowing down the mountain, and going through a turbine.
Main products grown are jerusalem artichokes, raspberries, garlic, and rhubarb. This year they are going to expand into turnips and beets. First rhubarb harvest just finished and they took off about 1700 pounds!

This message was edited Jun 12, 2008 10:59 AM

Thumbnail by ggd
North Saanich, Canada

View from the deck of the house.

Thumbnail by ggd
North Saanich, Canada

Another view from the deck. This are has been hit badly with the pine beetle. From what I understand, these trees will weaken and within a few years will just blow over in a good wind.

Thumbnail by ggd
North Saanich, Canada

More pine beetle damage.

Thumbnail by ggd
North Saanich, Canada

DH and I went for a drive on Sunday. The farm he is at is at the top of a valley called Venables Valley. It is a very nice drive. Part way down, we saw this formation, and immediately decided to call it the dragonhead. What do YOU think??

Thumbnail by ggd
North Saanich, Canada

This area was also hit hard with the big fire in 2003. Hubby's cousin actually had all his household furniture and possessions stacked out in the middle of a ploughed field when the fire got close. It got within 18 feet of the house, but they did not lose any buildings.

Thumbnail by ggd
North Saanich, Canada

Clouds can get very low in this area, and blow around the base of the mountains. There is usually at least a 5 degree temperature difference from the highway up to the farm.

Thumbnail by ggd
North Saanich, Canada

Venables Valley.

Thumbnail by ggd
North Saanich, Canada

That's all for now. Also wanted to say the this area is only about an hour drive from Kamloops, and takes about 4 hours from Vancouver. The road is great, but there are a lot of semis on the road, probably as they want to avoid the charge on the Coquihalla toll highway. And just so you know, there are TONS of motorhomes out already!

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Absolutely beautiful! I do miss B.C. Thanks Glenda.

Windsor, ON(Zone 6a)

Bonfield, Ontario, near my mother's house.

Thumbnail by momo125
Windsor, ON(Zone 6a)

Off the highway on the way home from Mom's house.

Thumbnail by momo125
Windsor, ON(Zone 6a)

The same area off the highway. I love how the roots cling to the rock.

Thumbnail by momo125
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Glenda and Momo I really enjoyed seeing the beautiful (and lush ;) locales you ladies have posted!

Glenda I'm so sad to see the pine beetle devastation and I really think your dragon's head would go perfectly with my dragon's back and tail (hmmmm moving costs may make that prohibitive). :( Your husband's relatives have one of the nicest looking farm yards I've ever seen. p.s. one of my favorite memories of BC are of the mountains and seeing the clouds touch ground. :)

Momo I love waterfalls ..... your mother is blessed living in such a lovely area (I'd have to drive 9 hours north to see something similar and I doubt I'd find a waterfall there ;).

North Saanich, Canada

Pam, glad you enjoyed the pictures. It is so lovely up there right now. The weather has been wet and cool, so things are very lush. I agree, the dragon head and the dragon back would certainly go together!!! The clouds really amazed me. We drove into Ashcroft early in the morning a couple of times, and the way the clouds hung around the mountains was quite amazing.


Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Lily Very nice, Very different scenery with, amazing shot of the beachy formation.
Ggd, I had a sister that lived in BC, and she had sent me, some really nice pictures of the Rockies. I've never been there, Wish I would have went when she was living there, she has since moved to Ottowa.

Mono, you really have nice pictures also, I love water in the woods.

This is the Falls this place is named after. Grand- Falls NB. my home town.
this is what they look like in the Spring, by the end of summer there is hardly any water in them. And our town is famous for the wells in Rock also. Which you see during Summer, because of the receding water of the falls.

Thumbnail by burn_2007
Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

This is what you see in Summer, the Wells in Rocks, and the rock formation.

Thumbnail by burn_2007
Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

This is the scene, below the bridge of the falls, in Summer.

Thumbnail by burn_2007
Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Below the Falls. in Summer. In Spring this is full of water.

Thumbnail by burn_2007
Windsor, ON(Zone 6a)

Wow, Burn, There is that much difference in spring and summer?? Can you swim in that water or is it too gross?
Lily, We have to drive for 8 hrs to get to my mom's house, but Niagara falls is abt 4 hrs away. I live in the most southern part of Ontario. Surrounded by the great lakes. BUT, all of the beaches are too gross to swim in the summer. Fecal counts too high. Lake St. Clair, Detroit River, and Lake Erie surround our county and none of them are swim worthy.
Here is a pic of Niagara Falls in the rain, taken from a street above the falls.

Thumbnail by momo125
Windsor, ON(Zone 6a)

And the Detroit skyline with a freighter ship passing through the Detroit river. Taken from the Windsor side of the river. That large building is the RenCen (Renaisance Centre) Also GM headquarters. Not as picturesque as waterfalls. I'll take nature over cityscapes any day.

Thumbnail by momo125
Windsor, ON(Zone 6a)

Oh, yeah, forgot to say...
Burn, notice the resemblance in your waterfalls and Niagara? Your's is a mini horse shoe, smaller version of Niagara.

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

That's what I was thinking too, that it could almost be a mini-Niagara. All of your photos are wonderful everyone. I'm really enjoying this pictorial tour through Canada.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Sorry I'm so slow to get back here........we inherited 2 more plots so now have 20 feet x 150 feet to garden at the community patch so have been planting like a madman/woman.

My first though was also a mini-Niagra too Burn (and I see many others here thought so too :)......and what a breathtakingly beautiful area you live in!!! :)

Momo I've really got to visit those falls of yours one of these days! Sad to read/see about the changes in the environment in your area though. In my mind I don't picture it that way .....I think my mind's picture is influenced by relatives' pictures taken many, many years ago.

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Enjoyed everyone's pics very much!

The only pics I have of the landscapes around the area, are fall ones.

These 9 pics were all taken very close to our home. In fact, if I drove this loop without stopping, I would be back home in 15 minutes. Burnstown (5 mins down the road) is such a pretty village in the fall. Many artists live there so there's art galleries, antique and gift shops and a great little cafe.


Pic 1 - Burnstown Lookout

Thumbnail by sanannie
White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

This is a little closer pic, showing the church across the bridge and how tiny the village is.

Pic 2 - Burnstown Bridge

Thumbnail by sanannie
White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

This is the river the Burnstown Bridge crosses.

Pic 3 - Madawaska River

Thumbnail by sanannie
White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

A right turn and now I'm parallel to the Madawaska River.

Pic 4 - Island

Thumbnail by sanannie
White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

A tiny bit further and we reach Burnstown Beach, a hive of activity in the summer, it looks rather forlorn on this fall day.

Pic 5 - Burnstown Beach

Thumbnail by sanannie
White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Heading cross country for a bit.

Pic 6 - Sumacs frame the view

Thumbnail by sanannie
White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Pic 7 - The sumacs are such a vibrant colour in the fall.

Thumbnail by sanannie
White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Pic 8 - An abandoned sugar-shack.

Thumbnail by sanannie
White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Then back home..... we hide in the trees, but this is the farm across the road. Hope you enjoyed the ride ‘around the block’ :-)


Thumbnail by sanannie

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