How to keep second year parsley from going to seed?

Manning, SC(Zone 8a)

The parsley plants I put in last year came back full and beautiful this spring, and I was thrilled because I'm looking forward to them hosting the Black Swallowtail Butterflies again. But to my dismay, the butterflies haven't returned in full force yet (I think last year they showed up mid to late June) and the parsley plants are determined to go to seed already. I've planted new plants, but they're not doing so well.
I clip off the parts of my old plants that are trying to go to seed, but more stalks pop right up. Is there any way I can keep these plants going for awhile? What if I clipped the whole plant to the ground, would it come back up? These are nice thick lush plants, I don't want them to quit on me now!!!

Tuckahoe, NY

Parsley wants to flower after exposure to a cold period, so I doubt you will be able to stop it. They will not make new large leaves once they begin to bolt, cutting back will not likely change this. In fact, it might be good to let them seed, b/c they self sow readily. Your best bet is to try and get new plants going this year, and let them self sow next year, and then no more worries about having enough parsley.
You can also plant other things that will attact black swallowtails, pretty much anything in the carrot family will do, especially dill, carrots (and itsancestor Queen Anne's Lace), and fennel.
Swallowtail adults are especially fond of phlox as a nectaring plant.
Good luck,

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Parsley is a biennial, it's going to set seeds and die the second year no matter what you do. As congminglaoshi suggested, just let them self-seed, and in the mean time you can plant new seeds to establish a new crop - that way you have fresh plants every year.

Manning, SC(Zone 8a)

Thanks ya'll, I'll leave them alone and let them give me babies! I hate to see these plants go, they came back this year so big and bushy and lush! I'm looking for a rue plant now, I want to try that; the BST's will use that as a host plant too.
I have lots of nectaring plants for them, Cong, including phlox. They (and ALL the butterflies) love the lantana, and the butterfly bush, and my big veronica plant. It's glorious to see them all out there, all different species, enjoying the flowers! Makes life worthwhile......

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