CLOSED: Mystery Bird

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Sorry these pics are so crummy. I had to run in for the camera and I was trying to take them quickly before my daughter scared it away. She just can't sit still when there's a new bird around. She's always trying to get a closer look.

This is the only clear pic I got, but of course the bird was behind some branches.

Thumbnail by PeeperKeeper
Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

This one kinda shows the colors a little better, but it's not really in focus.

This bird appeared to be a little larger than the painted buntings I've been seeing. About the size of a Mockingbird, but without the long tail.

Thumbnail by PeeperKeeper
Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Okay, this pic is really blurry, but maybe there's some information in it to help. I really wished I'd gotten this one in focus. I could see the bird best when it was here on the bird bottle and it would have made a cool picture too. But alas, before I could get off another shot, he move back into the woods, where the other pics were taken.

Thumbnail by PeeperKeeper
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Female Summer Tanager


Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you Resin! That is a new one for me. Wonder what the chances are that I'll keep seeing her. She's beautiful.

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