r a i n ?

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

is it just me or have we been having a lot of thunderstorms lately??

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Diehard that's normal for here. We're supposed to get thunder storms. Back in the days that it rained we would get 3 or 4 a week easily. I counted 34 days straight days of thunder storms once. Every afternoon, 34 days. LOL. You have to start to worry about fungus and plants rotting.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

ok.... maybe i'm just not used to the normal weather. it was kinda like that around columbia, but not as many

Johns Island, SC

Haven't had a drop here in 10 days, diehard. It's the same pattern of afternoon showers like we used to get 15-20 years ago (usually later in the year), only now it's just splash and dash showers in much more limited areas. They had a weather alert for James Island this afternoon (severe thunderstorms), but my part of Johns Island---maybe 5 miles away as the crow flies---was sunny and hot. All afternoon. Strange weather patterns lately.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

that seems like it was here last year. there wer thunderstorms all around us but they never came. hope you get some soon

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Weather patterns are just like last year and the year before. High pressure over the South East that's pushing rain north. I think it's just a normal weather pattern. Usually drought goes on for years. Look at Texas, drought and then floods. I think they got our rain last year.

One thing does make me wonder. The hole in the ozone can't be a good thing. For those of you who don't remember that problem. http://ozonewatch.gsfc.nasa.gov/ just seems to me if the Antarctic is getting hit by more UV rays it's very likely to warm up. All that ice down there is like a block of ice in a cooler, less ice and you get a warmer cooler.

Of course those penguins that walk miles in land to lay eggs would be much happier if they could just swim to their breeding grounds. Maybe in the past that's what they did.

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