Rogue tomatoes!

Seattle, WA

I have been using wormcastings on all new seedings in the garden; they seem to speed germination. I was puzzled by a couple of sprouts that came up where I thought I'd planted turnips; they looked a lot more like tomato plants. Yesterday I became convinced, they ARE tomato plants, and today I found mention mraider's blog of "rogue tomato seedlings" -- that's them!

They are such healthy little beasts, I'm thinking of letting them grow. Has anyone raised "rogues" before?

Cleveland area, OH(Zone 5b)

I always have rogues, and they are always cherry-type. This spring we got a load of topsoil and it's about two hundred feet from the vegetable garden. Sure enough, it is covered with tomato plants, and they are very nice cherry tomatoes!

Linden, TN

What a terrific bonus.... I know when we get topsoil here, often you will find cherry tomatos or what the locals call "Tommy Toes".. They are tough and prolific too..


Silver Spring, MD

I call my rogues "compost tomatoes". Last year they were all a wierd sqaurish oblong type, larger than the grape tomatoes - big enough to fire roast on the grill. This year, I have my old compost tomatoes back, with the addition of one regular sized tomato plant - again with a five sided angular top near the stem. It came up in my perrenial bed, but I let it grow anyway. Haven't watered it once, but I'm still getting tomatoes off it. Not a bad bonus to the garden.

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