Calliandra tweedii ('powderpuff plant - inga pulcherrima)

London, United Kingdom

Hello, I'm wondering if anyone out there can help me. I bought a calliandra tweedii (we call it powderpuff plant, but I know it has a variety of names and belongs to the mimosa family) a couple of years ago from a specialist nursery and although it looks healthy and has plenty of leaves, I am wondering why it hasn't flowered yet. We live in London and this plant is considered exotic here, so there's very very little info available. I know the plant is more common in the southern part of North America as well as in Italy and somewhat warmer climes than Britain! I would really appreciate some information about the plant. Thanks!

Keaau, HI

The tree will need as much direct Sunlight as you can give it in London; plenty of water, and a well balanced fertilizer.
Trim the sucker growth from the bottom of the plant, to allow it to apply its' energy to the top growth.
At the end of June and beginning of July, give it a bloom promoter.
Legumes like to make soil associations with microbiotics; giving the plant a mycorrhizal innoculant may help.

Aloha, Dave

London, United Kingdom

Hi, thanks for your message. Finally someone who knows the plant! I'll do what you say - I thought sunlight might be an issue. Fortunately we're now beginning to see some real summer weather here, so that should help. I've already started giving it a weekly feed of fertiliser. I've read conflicting reports about when these plants blossom - some say wintertime, others spring through to summer. Can you tell me what this depends on?
All the best from sunny London :)

Keaau, HI

Hi Florence1,

Most Calliandra species flower in summer, but C. tweedii is known to flower in it's natural habitat in South America from winter to spring. In cultivation it's flowering habits are more sporadic.
You may get some results by applying a bloom promoter in your fertilization schedule.

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