Finally, a few to share

Orange County, NY(Zone 5b)

Unfortunately, quite a few took a hit from a combination of premature growth spurts and several hard and late hard frosts. Still, the show must go on :-) I was a bit remiss in training Josephine properly. Her trellismate, Kiri Te Kanawa, was a casualty of the frost, but she is slowly starting to come back.

Thumbnail by irishbelle
Orange County, NY(Zone 5b)

Silver Moon needed to be pruned back a bit due to being nipped by the frost, but what she lost in height she has made up for in vigor. Lots of buds just waiting to open!!! Fairydust and Etoile Violette are planted around the same tree, but they are going to be a while. Fairdust is taking her time to get established.

Thumbnail by irishbelle
Pasco, WA(Zone 6b)

Absolutely gorgeous!

Orange County, NY(Zone 5b)

This was supposed to be HF Young, and I would swear that it was a much paler purple last year, but now I am not sure. Any thoughts?

Thumbnail by irishbelle
Pasco, WA(Zone 6b)

I'm sorry I can't help with the answer to that, but it's a BEAUTIFUL clematis!

Orange County, NY(Zone 5b)

Thanks Sherry! Still many more to come, but many will be a little delayed this year. Here is my favorite bloom of the season. Not a clematis, but my first bloom on a tree peony:

Thumbnail by irishbelle
Richmond Hill, GA

Sherry, Your clematis are beautiful. How is you Omoshiro Doing?

Orange County, NY(Zone 5b)

Hi Arlene, I am afraid that I had to move 2 Niobes and Omoshiro yesterday. They don't seem too happy about it. When I got Omoshiro, the roots were quite a bit less mature than I had hoped for, but healthy. How about yours? Any pics to share yet?


Richmond Hill, GA

Colleen, LOL I changed your name, sorry about that. I planted mine in the spring. Was growing great and than one day it turned brown. I've lost it to the ground but now it's about 3 inches high and just starting to put up a vine. I think they were very young plants but I thought wintering him on my deck he would be fine. Hoping I'll get lots of roots. I'm gonna start pinching it back when it gets a little taller.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Clematis " Kiri Te Kanawa" is one of my favs..yours are gorgeous!!...Jeanne

Lakes of the Four Se, IN(Zone 5a)

Colleen, your clematis are beautiful! I think I may have lost my Fairydust, but I've not given up -- am still watering her as her roots appear to be alive. Such fabulous flowers! And the tree peony, too!

This message was edited Jun 3, 2008 12:39 PM

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Beautiful Clematis and you have such a lovely garden too.

Orange County, NY(Zone 5b)

Thanks all. It is such a joy to have something flowering! Figaro, I am beginning to wonder if Fairydust has issues with cold tolerence. I have a friend nearby who is also having an issue with this being slow to get going. I see that we are in a similar zone. I have my fingers crossed -- Jeanne's pictures of FD are so beautiful.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Yes...don't give up on your FairyDust...They can come back...Mine was stunning for year 2..I've already hard pruned again and letting her grow back up to bloom again!

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Lakes of the Four Se, IN(Zone 5a)

Colleen, you may have a point. I planted mine last fall and it seemed like it was doing OK. But this spring there was no sign of life. I moved it to a different location and noticed that the roots looked to be alive. In my area we had more snow cover than usual but then we had a couple of 50-degree spells that caused a quick melt with soggy soil. Let's keep our fingers crossed! I've heard that clematis will sometimes take a rest and then come back the next year.

Good luck!

Lakes of the Four Se, IN(Zone 5a)

Jeanne -- your Fairydust is beautiful! I love the delicate color of this cultivar.

This message was edited Jun 4, 2008 10:16 AM

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks hon..It's one of my favs..but then again they all ARE!!

Lakes of the Four Se, IN(Zone 5a)

I know what you mean. My favorite is whichever one I'm currently looking at!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b) hit the nail on the head...I am always fawning over which ones are blooming...Jeanne

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