Need a source

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

for Perenial Peanut Seeds.... anyone know of a good source? Anyone have any? Would appreciate you keeping your eagle eyes open....


mulege, Mexico

Is that the kind that is used as a ground cover?


Keaau, HI(Zone 11) is...and it is a nitrogen fixer... I can get the roots/plants...but I think I want seeds.... 'hard core'....

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I found these but I am gonna keep looking. :~) If it's not what you are looking for then let me know.

mulege, Mexico

Somewhere I think there was a post for plants. I don't know about seeds. Will keep watching.


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Forgot the link.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Carol, Yellow flowered creeping groundcover? I don't have the name here at the office. If so I have the plants, but have never seen a seed on them - I'll take a look when I get home from work today..Perhaps you mean some other type of peanut plant though because I think they all fix nitrogen don't they?

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Carol, what you are looking for is "peas". Any kind is a nitrogen fixer. I am growing blackeye peas in a part of my veggie garden for that very same reason. Doesn't really matter what kind of peas, they all work the same way. I am not expecting a harvest of much, just a good cover crop. Any kind of legume will work in that capacity.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Could it be Arachis Glabrata (you can tell I have nothing to do at work!) that you are looking for?

mulege, Mexico has plants. They may know a source for seeds if this is what you are looking for.


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Yes Jen....that's the one. They are so pricey here as plants!!!!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Carol, ran out this morning to check, and I haven't got one seed, plenty of flowers but they don't seem to want to have babies! Perhaps JP will check his flowers if he is on Island...You must be planing to have a large patch. I got my starts from one of the beach parking lots in Wailea...
You're right about the price - 97 cents per SPRIG here!

Hope you and Joy are having fun!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Thanks, Jen...we are having LOTS of fun. I am almost repaired after overdoing it on Sunday...

Yes...I want to plant a gob more asparagus and thought to plant the peanut on top of it as a ground cover....

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

First acupuncture yesterday, MRI this Thursday.

Glad you are doing so good, Carol. Can see you have lots planned for when you are able.


Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

Perhaps you might it at Jungle Music

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