Don't Know

Piedmont, AL(Zone 7b)

I don't know what to call this little story so I called it 'Plastic Baby Pants', but in all fairness and in the interest of full disclosure.....this ain't about gardening....but it is about plastic baby pants......I'd say more but it'd spoil the story if you have the time to read it, if you do, I hope it makes you laugh and leaves you with a smile......thanks for letting me post my stories up here.....

Paul from Alabama

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Well, It's another good one Paul. The things we have to go through just to keep going. At least as babies we do not know how humiliating it is to be bathed and changed etc by strangers. I had to come up with something to cover a cast on my arm several years back to keep it dry.I refused to skip my two showers a day. One to wake up(cool) and one to make me sleepy( warm). Anyway I had to use garbage bags and an old garter type thing out of elastic to hold it up. Then when cast got dirty I used shoe polish on it. Dr. commented on how clean it was and I explained. He said, I told you not to get it wet. I said, well doc, I don't wear dirty clothes and I am not going out with cast looking dirty. So he said, ok you fool, if it eats your arm off I get more money. I said, Oh has somebody paid my bill for me? He told me to go home. LOL.Hope insurance paid that bill too!

Piedmont, AL(Zone 7b)

Like you scraps, I wasn't always the model patient......:)

Paul from Alabama

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

I will bet you kept them laughing. You are a funny storyteller.

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