my compost saga

Berkeley, CA(Zone 9a)

Once a month, my city, Berkeley, CA, gives away fantastic compost. I own a 3/4 ton truck and a pretty large garden So, three times in the past year and a half, I have trucked myself to the give away site to have about 3 cubic yards of gold scooped in the truck bed. The compost is free but not the task to bag it up and haul it up 30 some steps to the top of my garden. Some very strong and ambitious guys do that for me. This batch smelled so wonderful and it was still steaming as it dropped into the bed. On the way to my physical therapy appointment to stretch out my aching hamstrings from too much gardening, I stopped for diesel fuel at the least expensive place in this town at $5.05 per gallon! Finally, on my way home. To my horror, I immediately saw twirling, flashing, strobing red and blue lights in my rear view mirror. As the cop slowly strode to my window, I was defensive relaying I had used my turn signals (unlike most people) upon making a left. He - "the para transit bus in front of you had to brake as you turned". Me- "If you were in back of me, how could you see if the transit bus in front of us applied brakes?" He - "I am siting you for two violations, hauling aggregate without a cover and spilling dirt (some overfill on the bumper) on MY highways". It took my womanly strength not to laugh. After taking numerous pictures of my crime and returning to his vehicle to realize I was not the criminal he expected, he again appeared at my window as I was turning down the volume of the classical music station I listen to in the truck. I told him I was 66 years old, a grandmother and even an organ donor to no avail. He even instructed my not to move the truck until a cover was in place and the "dirt" was swept away from my plates and bumper so as not to dirty the streets. I inquired if he was to help me with that task! As such luck would have it, I was stopped across the street from a hardware store. Before buying the tarp, I asked a delivery man parked in front of me if he could possibly help me. As I walked to the hardware store, this great stranger leveled the compost and swept away excess. Upon returning, he helped me cover this unsightly and criminal mess. I pressed a well rewarded thank you bill into his hand under his protestations. I finally returned home to walk the dogs for their health and mine but the phone rang before I was out of the house. As this call was ending, a gold inlay popped out for the second time in a month. Off to the dentist I hurried in my truck with the 3 cubic feet of compost. But at least it was covered. All glued back in place, an appointment was made for a full crown at the approximate cost of $1000. On my way home, again, I carefully looked for red and blue lights which might assault me again. Upon returning home, the dogs were walked, the free compost was hauled up to the top of my garden and I was able to plant 3 tomatoes and a hill of yellow squash. For all you other criminals out there, I sympathize with you and you have my support!

(Mary) Poway, CA(Zone 10a)

Goodness! What a day! When you are harvesting your tomatoes and yellow squash you'll be one of the few people that can say crime does pay. LOL Sorry he found it easier to stop you than chase after some of the real criminals.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Good grief! What a crumby day for you, my dear. Sigh..........some of us just do get off on the power trip deal, and "his" streets? excuse me? What's up with that?

Easton, KS(Zone 5b)

oh my goodness! What an awful thing to occur. Is Berkly so clean that having dirt on your bumper offends them? For all the trouble you have gone to, I hope you have the most beautiful tomatoes and yellow squash ever in the history of California!!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Just a thought. Compost that is "still steaming" might not be a good thing for plants. I believe it is supposed to cool down first.

I do sometimes use unfinished compost, but not if it's still hot.


Berkeley, CA(Zone 9a)

By the time it got home and bagged and dragged up the 30 or so stairs, it was cool. Most of it is still in bags, waiting to be used. Thanks for all your sympathy!

south central, PA(Zone 6b)

Good grief! I thought Berkley was a laid-back college town. Didn't know Barney Fife was still alive.

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