Please show me your roses

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Iceberg , up close.

Thumbnail by crashbandiscoot
Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Midas Touch, an HT, the fragrance is amazing, propably my favorite HT , well until Olympiad blooms.

Thumbnail by crashbandiscoot
Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

OOps , wrong photo! LOL That's Olympiad, here's Midas,

Thumbnail by crashbandiscoot
Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

An unknown , what a terrible pic, maybe I got a better one!

This message was edited Jun 2, 2008 11:41 AM

Thumbnail by crashbandiscoot
Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

I think i'm going to be getting more minis, the fact that it made it through winter impresses me , I'm gonna get a bunch of them, :)
I'm waiting on Peace , 2 Olympiads, Mr.Lincoln, . I thought Olympiad was gonna be first to bloom, but the bud has just gotten bigger and bigger! Tomorrow I should have a good bud shot of that one. Peace is getting ready too.

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Not roses, but I wanted to show ya my painted Daisies, LOL!

Thumbnail by crashbandiscoot
Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Melissa, that Tropicana is killing me I love it!! I love that Double Delight, Velnita. What beautiful blooms.
Hey Neal, I love those OGR's , wish I could grow them!! Guess what? My next rose purchase, is a Jackson & Perkins HT, called Gemini!!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Marcy, thats a good idea about the zip lock bag! I've been thinking they needed something to hold moisture in.

OMG, Sandy, I LOVE your Painted Daisies!! I wintersowed some and have just been keeping my fingers crossed that they'll grow here. How did you start yours? What kind of soil and sun conditions do you have them in? I'm so happy to see them growing happily in our area, so I want your recipe for success! Your Iceberg is gorgeous too. Is that the climbing form? I've got a few of the regular bush Iceberg and they're just starting to bloom nicely- it is a strong grower for me too. Gemini is a really pretty one! Is space your issue with OGRs?

Melissa, how long have you had that Tropicana? I had to go back and look at it again, its soooo perfect!

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Neal!!! Your garden is AMAZING!!!! Just as I had imagined!
I love these daisies, They are in full sun, I planted last spring, got these little tiny plants from Michigan Bulb, for a few pennies, (yeah, I said it, the MG word), average soil conditions. Last year , they say and made thes cute little mounds, no pampering, kept them watered. And Tada!
Exactly, I would surely have the floribundas and OGR's if it weren't for space. All my roses are on their second season.
These Daisies are earlies, so I'm not expecting anythng after this flush.
Oops, yes Iceberg is a climber.

This message was edited Jun 2, 2008 4:54 PM

Thumbnail by crashbandiscoot
Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

I've had it for years Neal. I don't know, probably at least 10 if not longer.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a) your painted daisies!!! I've never had much luck with them, but I really like them! And Iceburg...wowowow!!! My brother has an arbor with Iceburg climbers on it, and they are BEAUTIFUL!!! I have the shrub Iceburg....but may have to move it. I'm thinking it doesn't get enough sun. Oh .....and Sandy, your roses are gorgeous too!

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks Marcy! Something cool I found out about those Daisies is they make really good cut flowers!
My Midas Toush is nice tonite, in this twilight, it kinda glows.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks, crash! This second year display has been such fun! Especially after last years struggle to keep all the newly moved plants watered. I know just where my Painted daisies are going now! Thanks for the tips:-) Oh, and you know there are floribundas out there that stay small and bloom almost continually. There are some I can't recall what they're calling them, but they're between floribunda and mini in stature, and can be planted between taller hybrid teas.

Melissa, that is good to know. That's the kind of permanence I want from a rose, and a good thing about the older, tried and true varieties- those are the ones you can get feedback from growers in your zone. Otherwise roses can be such a hit or miss gamble.

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

How cool... an Ohio etc rose thread.
I love seeing how roses "not on the west coast with 24/7-365 growing season" are doing.
They all look so pretty.

I've always found (with roses) the 1st year is the hardest. Mine are trying hard and making a little bit of a showing.
This 1st photo is the garden path leading to what I call the "woodland area" it's a big circle that I am building up with fallen branches and soil. I've planed poppies, blueberries, daylilies and rambling roses around the circle.

Maybe next year it will look like my vision *S*

Here's the pathway

Thumbnail by dovey
Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

This is English Sonnet

Thumbnail by dovey
Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

The 1st rose with 1 bloom is called "Daddy's Girls"
The last wine colored rose at the end is "RT 66"
The middle is "English Sonnet"
The rest are trying, but haven done anything yet

Thumbnail by dovey
Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Are you bored yet?
Too bad.. I have one more photo of the pathway
The only blooming rose on this side is "The Poet"

Thumbnail by dovey
Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Bore me Dovey, Bore me!!! LOL

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

There was a Gihugic bush-tree-monster at least the size of a motor home in this area a couple of months ago.
We clipped, whacked, and finally chainsawed our way though it.
It still tries to come back, but I keep my eye on it vehemently.

The rose is a short climber called "Lunar Mist"

Thumbnail by dovey
Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey Sandy *S*

I love your roses!
Was the lovely climbing blaze in the photo you posted the climber you were talking about on Joyce's thread?
I think it looks fab.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

How many of your roses who made the trip from CA made it? I thought that was a HUGE task! (Especially after moving those two monsters here!)

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Out of the 20 roses I moved all lived but one... Euterpe died of root rot (which I still haven't figured out the why on that one)

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh my, that English Sonnet, is woonnderfullll.....
my cl Blaze has more bloom today, it's getting ready to pop. Thanks Dovey, but I think, it needs a clematis, growing up through it, LOL.
Moving 20 roses that far, I think that's amazing.

Thumbnail by crashbandiscoot
Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

In between rain showers and downpours last night, I snapped a picture or two of my Peace with it's first blooms. Good thing too, cause with the wind and rain we had later, it probably isn't there any more!

Thumbnail by joycet
Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Yay!!!!!! your'e Peace is open!! I 'm goo goo over the bloom on that one, mine hasn't opened yet. Just beautiful, Joyce.
My Olympiad is opening full of water.

Thumbnail by crashbandiscoot
Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Crash, she's beautiful! Does she smell purdy?

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

No, this one doesn't , but it is favorite bloomer, as it opens, the form is lovely, definitly my favorite. I know Peace is divine!! LOVE that rose only I'm not impressed with my plant. It doesn't get bushy like the others. does yours?
I know you are tired of hearing me brag about this Midas Touch, but for fragrance, wow! Jeremy and I were out this morning about 630 , and it's off the hook, Jeremy said"Is that that rose?' It's special.

Thumbnail by crashbandiscoot
Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

She is certainly beutiful to look at! My Peace bush isn't full either. Maybe that's a trait?

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

I think maybe so , I just get 3 or 4 canes, they the slugs eat off all the leaves, so I get these sticks with stickers, with this amazing bloom, I think she's worth it tho. I bought Peace mainly because of the history of it.
My Mr. Lincoln has wee tiny little buds.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Well...since I still don't know how to post a link to my album...I'll post a couple of pics here for you all to enjoy.
LOVE all these rose pictures!! I have to get another Peace rose!!

These are Carefree Delight ...along my driveway.

Thumbnail by Marcy_1
New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

This one is assorted roses. Knockouts are not true to color? Little white one is White Cliffs of Dover....Dark red is ...I English rose that reverted to Dr. Huey. I don't remember which rose it was in the beginning.

Thumbnail by Marcy_1
New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

This is my William Baffin rose, which is still coming out.

Thumbnail by Marcy_1
New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

These are my Zeph roses. I know..the picture is cockeyed. I think that was the person taking And the lighting on some of these pics is terrible...but it's because my batteries in the camera were low.
Ok...that's all the rose pics I took....except another of the knockouts. I wish I had gotten them all before the storms!!
And as soon as I find out how to post a link to my can see my other pics!

Thumbnail by Marcy_1
Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

OMG!!! Marcy!! That fence row is BEEEUUUTEEEFFUULLLL!!!!!
Can I have your Carefree?? hehe

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

LOL Sandy!! I can send you a cutting?????? Or even try to start you one if you want?

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh my goodness, YES!!!! I think I want to come live in your garden .

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Ok...and then you can pull WEEDS!!!

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Ok I like pulling weeds, that way I don't look so bizzare to the neighbors just staring at flowers or taking pics in a rain storm. haha Weeding is a cover.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

LOL Sandy on the cover!! I I stand out there taking pictures...and people whizzing up the road....I wonder what they are thinking?? I like to weed too...except when they get a big headstart on me and I am overwhelmed with them!

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Your garden is wonderful, Marcy.

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