Please show me your roses

Not long ago we were dreaming of roses. Have any of your dreams come true? Do you have any pictures to share?

My Mr Lincoln, Double Delight and Strike It Rich are in bud almost ready to bloom (I'll post pics in a couple days). Of the roses I planted this year, my bare root Fragrant Cloud and Sunsprite (Friesia) are leafing well but no buds yet. Of the potted ones that I've put in, Sheila's Perfume is starting to branch, and my Don Juan is just sitting there showing no signs of growth.

What do you have blooming? What didn't make it through the winter?

Thumbnail by valrita
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey velnita, good thinking!

Rosy dreams are coming true here! Some of the OGRs are putting on a show, including Cornelia, Ballerina, Felicia, Erfurt, and a few no ids. The real dream come true came a while ago when I was outside, a good 30' from the roses, and the scent hit me! Heritage, Rockin' Robin, Red Cascade, Eden, Rainbow Sorbet (..or is it Summer Sorbet?), Scarlet Meideland, Antike, New Dawn, Carefree Beauty, and Serendipity are all showing good color and promise to be awesome in the next few days. And tons of buds on Leontine Gervais, Red Fairy, Banshee (a damask OGR), Iceberg, and some of the hybrid teas. Oh, and Dortmund is climbing on the back fence and looking lovelier than ever, and the poor little unpruned Gruss an Aachens are blooming their hearts out (I finally pruned off the dead stuff yesterday).

Except for some cases of rose rosette virus, roses really like it here! Some that were just ok performers in the hollow are vigorous as ever since they've come to the Bluegrass. I've found 3 infected plants this year and have done surgery in hopes of saving them, but if I see more signs of the disease they'll have to go. A few weeks ago I noticed an infected plant at the UK arboretum. I'm wondering if its a worsening problem in this area. The invasive multifloras that grow all over are prone to the virus, and we've removed 2 infected monsters that were tangled up in a spruce and in the Mock orange last year.

Oh, and if your looking for an easy care, fragrant Hybrid Tea, I highly recommend Paul McCartney. I have an own root plant (started and sent to me by another DGr) that has proven itself cane hardy and very resistant to pests and diseases. It doesn't have the perfect form of many hybrid teas, but is a healthy grower and has big, showy pink blooms that smell wonderful.

Will get some pics and post them!

I'll look into the McCartney--I don't really look for perfect form anyway. I'm a fragrance hound. If you have any pix of the disease you're talking about, I'd love to see what to look for. I don't know too much about that kind of stuff yet but I'm trying to learn.

You have so many roses that I can't wait to see your pix!

My Double Delight has started to bloom. YAY

Thumbnail by valrita
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Here are some good pics (in figures 3 and 4, under the mosaic virus pics) of the indicating symptom of rose rosette virus, the "witch's broom" growth.

Last year was the first time I'd seen it. The farm owner had one rose she was showing me to ask what was wrong with it, and the whole bush was infected. It has shown up on some of mine on one cane or two, and I've read you can sometimes remove the infected part of the plant. But when it returned, I went ahead and shovel pruned.

Your Double Delight is gorgeous! One of my favorite HTs. Its been several years since I've grown it, but one that always stood out to me. Its smells unlike any other rose to me, reminds me of peonies; I just want to keep my nose buried in them!

I've just been out getting a few more wintersown seedlings in the ground, and noticed a couple of other roses I'd forgotten blooming. Angel Face is blooming in the memorial garden for my friend, Jan, and those were her favorite. We got 5 cheap, bagged ones early this spring and I planted them all together and lost 1, but was at least happy they were all labeled right. Those cheapies are a toss of the dice, but my roomie was so proud when he came home with a load of them (like 60!), so I've stuck them all over the place. Sally Holmes is blooming too. Shes had a rough time of it, as have some of the others. When those awful tent caterpillars dropped from the wild cherry trees, they went wild on certain roses and completely defoliated some, including Sally. She was left shaped funny and just plain pitiful, but has recovered amazingly.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Here are a few I took this evening.

Thumbnail by Melissa_Ohio
Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)


Probably my favorite rose of all.

Thumbnail by Melissa_Ohio
Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

This is the first time it's ever flushed out like this. It looks amazing. Unfortunately next week it will be pretty bare.

Thumbnail by Melissa_Ohio
Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

I'm partial to Yellows too though

Thumbnail by Melissa_Ohio
Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

This was my mother's day present--the bench.

Thumbnail by Melissa_Ohio
Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

These are about done...

Thumbnail by Melissa_Ohio
Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

This one is intense when it blooms out.

Thumbnail by Melissa_Ohio
Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Angel Face I believe

Thumbnail by Melissa_Ohio
Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Rugosa on the right. this was a .99 cent Gurney's row run special. it smells heavenly, but that's about the only thing good I can say about it, it's a thug.

Thumbnail by Melissa_Ohio
Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Nice Flush, but I really don't like this type of rose AT ALL. Hubby likes it, is the ONLY reason it's still there.

Thumbnail by Melissa_Ohio
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Melissa! Girl, you've been holding out on us, LOL! I had no idea you had so many lovely roses! That one you don't like is Dr.Huey, an old rose that is one of the common rootstocks used in grafted roses. You see them a lot from plants that the graft has frozen out on. Zuzu on the rose forum said she has them all over as monuments to past failures, LOL. They're pretty, but they do take up a lot of space for a one time bloomer. Love the thuggish rugosa, I can't wait! And nice Mother's day gift! Have you found any yellows that you've found to be extra strong growers?

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

AH.......... so that's why I get once tea roses turning into these things? That thing is getting chopped down as soon as the blooms finish. Well, not chopped down, but cut to the ground, it will throw up new stalks and bloom again before summer's over.

I used to have a lot more roses than I have now--they were my "first" love, of course that is before I realized that I might actually care what the name of them was someday. ;-/

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Geez, I've been terrible about labeling things here. It was such a rush to get everything moved, then stupid me had to get a ton more stuff, and now its out of control, LOL. But I am taking lots of pics, and have most of my records somewhere, so winter will be all about working on that.

I finally got some pics to post! Here's a bud of Paul McCartney:

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Sweet 'Cornelia' is so pretty!

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

A no id OGR and Erfurt.

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Roses in the Pink Bed

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Okay, most of you know my rose saga, but here is the first bloom of Zepherine Drouin. I will love it when it looks like GW's!!

Thumbnail by joycet
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

The bed with Cornelia; I love the Persian Lilac with her, and the way the iris blends the colors!

Joyce, she's just lovely! At the top of my want list!

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

You can quit wanting Neal...I have a Zeph in the works for you... ;-)

Thumbnail by DustyDS
New Madison, OH(Zone 5a) guys!! All beautiful roses!!! Well gee...guess Neal doesn't need my Zeph's then!! I was gonna take cuttings of all my roses for you Neal!
Now I will have to get pictures for sure!!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes he does Marcy....He wants LOTS of them!!! LOL

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Oooooohhhh, goody goody goody!!! Oh, ((((Dusty)))), you're the bestest!!! And oh but do you ever have me pegged, there's still grass out there!..all that wasted rose space, LOL. See Marcy, there's no way I could afford to buy all the roses I "need"!

This pic reminds me of 'The Secret Garden'.

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Neal what is the tall purple stuff in the pic with Cornelia? Right hand back corner of the picture?

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

In that last pic? Thats the Persian lilac looking much more purple in the shade and where I was so close to it. I also just noticed my black cat is back there, and I think thats making it look darker.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

No, the pic before, like directly behind the Iris.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Ok Dusty and Neal...I'll still bring the cuttings!!! Almost all my roses are blooming now, and I understand the best time to take cuttings is right after it has bloomed? So you got lucky!!! LOL!!
I did take pictures to call my DS to figure out about this software for the camera. Been working outside all day , so haven't had time to do that yet.
Oh...and I know what that rose is beside our garage door! I know it wasn't there before...was an English rose...and must have reverted to Dr. Huey!!! Thanks!
Melissa, that looks like some kind of sage to Neal's picture?

I absolutely love all of the pictures! Since I don't have the room to plant all of the roses that I want, I'll be happy to peek at yours. I've always wondered what Dr. Huey looked like. What's so bad about him (other than the fact that he's not what you had planted)? I'm just curious.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

I think it's ugly. It's really weird when you plant a tea rose, and then suddenly the tea rose is gone, and this takes its place. It doesn't climb, it just sprawls all over the place--little if any smell... doesn't have the shape I like.... but, it's great to know because I had no clue what was going on. LOL I have another one that I'm going to just rip out and toss, It's taking up the space 2 tea roses could live in. :)

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, thats catmint! (not cat nip, but in the same genus) I have tons if you would like some. When it stops blooming I shear it back and it starts blooming again, ...well, last year I didn't even have to do that, it just kept going on its own all summer. It seems to like it here better than the hollow. It makes such a pretty filler! Its in the same family as sages and mints.

Marcy, I thought the timing of the RU should be perfect for cuttings! I'm thinking I may try using milk jugs or 2 litre bottles for rooting them, kind of like wintersowing with the little greenhouse covering. Perhaps I'll do some both ways and see what works best.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Oohhhh that's a good idea. Only trouble is we don't drink pop. Can you figure out how to use a beer bottle???? ;o)

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hey Neal and everyone! Once I got a rose from the Richmond Rose Garden...a cutting I mean. (with permission of course!) I read somewhere about starting them in a gallon ziploc bag. Put the soil in the pot. Dip cutting in rooting compound, and put in the soil. Water sparingly. Then seal up the bag except for one corner. I used a straw to blow air in the bag. Quickly seal the bag so it is full of air. Keep in a shady area, and you will see when the roots form through the bottom of the bag! Then open it up and let it get air. You know how to do the rest. It worked for me!

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Huh..that's interesting. I started the Peace rose I have (only one before the ZDs) with a cutting. I put it in the shade and put a mason jar over it. It's been moved and divided twice now. Still going strong...

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Joyce, I have done that too!! In fact, that's how I started my Peace rose...that I no longer have. LOL! Not because it died, but because I haven't gotten one since we moved here.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

I like the bag idea better. Then you know when you can put it in the ground!

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

OMG!! Neal, all of you! I love those pinks!! I'm gonna have to get me some!!
My Clinmbing Blaze is starting, this dude is covered in buds!

Thumbnail by crashbandiscoot
Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Sorry Cookie, I think we posted at the same time.
Here's Iceberg, this rose is awesome. I think I'm in Love!

Thumbnail by crashbandiscoot

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