CLOSED: Another species of Oriole - confirmation please

Hi folks
I seem to be seeing more kinds of Orioles this year than ever before. I'd like confirmation that this is a Icterus cucullatus-Hooded Oriole. Where I live is a few hundred miles out of its range according to the map in Sibleys.
Thanks for looking.

Thumbnail by angele

update for range: They have been spotted in the southern part of the county I live in

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

How cool!

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Yep, Hooded Oriole.

Not sure where you get the "a few hundred miles out of its range according to the map in Sibleys" from!! Looked up where Elephant Butte is, and I'd say it's only about 10 or 20 miles outside the area mapped in Sibley, if even that.


Thanks Nanny & Resin. I've never seen one here before,
Resin the first edition, sixth printing of Sibleys I have barely has the bird's range in New Mexico. Just in the extreme SW corner of the state. Certainly more than 100 miles even as the bird flies! :-)

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

If you have palms in your area, they'll move in. Older books do not list them in my area, either, but they are here, nesting in the neighbor's palms and eating us out of house and home when it comes to sugar water.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

And that's a palm it is perched in there!


Yes, we have planted six palms in our yard this spring and there are 7 large palms directly across the (small) street from my home. The Bullock's & Scott's have been visiting for several years and this year is the first time I am sure about seeing the Hooded. I believe I have seen an Orchard Oriole also, but not 100% sure.

Just for laughs here is a link to a thread from '06. I was on a quest to get a decent shot of an Oriole back then. Now there are so many visiting and several don't seem to be shy at all anymore.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

At my house, we have Bullock's and hooded. Some years we don't see the Bullock's but this year we have both around. I've heard that Bullock's like eucalyptus, but I don't know what native trees they prefer. You probably don't have eucalyptus in zone 7b, do you?

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

It is sad & funny how we bcome obsesses with different birds! lol :)

I've never seen a Eucalyptus around here Kelli. USDA plants database doesn't show any in New Mexico. I've only seen them at the San Diego Zoo :-)

I always seem to have a quest to see a new one all the time Nanny. Happily I don't seem to get bored with any of my regulars. They always seem to come up with something surprising to me. The other day I saw an Oriole dipping a spider in the grape jelly, like lobster & butter sauce!! LOL

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