Is it too late

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

To replant spinach? WE've had such unusual weather, it's been cool and rainy here for so long, and then finally we had l l/2 weeks of HOT humid dry weather, and the garden went from soggy to rock hard in a week's time, and that isn't a lie either. Dh could hardly till inthere before we had our 3 days of rain here the past few days. NOW the spinach is bolting, cause of the weird heat wave we had, and no more leaves, I hadn't even had the chance to pick it one time yet. cause they were just beginning to look big enough to pick. Now Dh is going to till up the row, should I just wait till fall and try it again then ,with this hot weather we're abou t to go into with june/july and august. Or can I try again now, I don't want to chance wasting any seed, since they've gone sky high in prices.

Everything is coming up in patches, no solid rows of anything but my lady finger peas, my zipper peas are patchy, I think cause of this weather too. my greenbeans 3rd time around planting, no signs of life, about to plant bluelake bush now this will be my 4th planting of the beans, but trying a new kind this time. we'll see how it goes.

gave up onthe watermelons, so we're using the spot for mustard or something else. we're running out of room we've planted so much LOL and the grass is so bad this year, never had so much grass in the garden before. it's driving me nuts. Can't keep up at all.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

I'd wait myself. Everything is bolting here too, and I know that the rain is about over for the season and I'll be reduced to standing with a water hose in 100+ heat.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

LOl we allwill, I'm not complaining a bit about the rain, I so hated loosing my spinach , I was looking forward to it. The veggie garden has been such a disapointment this year, and I know it's not my fault, bu t mother nature's.

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