Pruning after bloom on type 2 edith and multi blue

New York, NY

My edith and multi-blue have had a lovely spring. They grow a little tall for their trellis and are attaching themselves to a tree on the other side of the fence. They are just about to fade out of bloom. Can I chop off the tangle on the other side and consider that the #2 post-bloom prune or am I supposed to be pruning more delicately?

Feel free to throw out any thoughts. And, as ever, thanks.

Delaware, OH

I am in zone 5. I never prune my multiblues but this year when the blooms start to wane i plan to do so. i am also going to hard prune my guernsey cream displays,(one guernsey cream display i plan to half and half prune) which have already finished blooming this weekend..another first. I think it will be good for the plants.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

You might want to "Prune to Shape" the trellis you have for it..or consider replacing to have a larger one..Pruning group 2's is done after their first bloom period ONLY to shape or keep in bounds..they will rebloom again in late Summer/early Fall

Delaware, OH

we are playing around with harder pruning than those guidelines, which i , too, have always used. we are seeing good results from this in regards to
improved plants and a bigger second flush of blooms in my zone 5 b. it also eliminates a lot of the drab and draggy post bloom appearance of plants, as they are in a nice new growth phase.
last year i hard pruned my largest and oldest clematis( an 8 yr old massive villa de lyon) which is in a prominent space. the regrowth was amazing, the late summer blooms much better than ever and this year the plant is in a very healthy state blooming right on time in a year where most of my plants are blooming a week later than norm. I realize villa de lyon is a group 3. It was a big test and has boldened me this year!!

New York, NY

Well I pruned them. I've managed to break both main stems in transplanting them over the last three years and this is their best year so I figure some less drastic pruning shouldn't be so bad. They look neater and they aren't interfering with the tree. Now I wait.


Delaware, OH

fertilize now if you haven't already.

New York, NY

I fertilized a week before. Good enough or hit them again?

Delaware, OH

i would wait if you did it a week before and see how she settles in. you can fertilize again in a few weeks, unless buds are forming . once buds start forming wait until after the bloom period to fertilize again. good luck. you can add rich cmpost as a top dressing now if you did not do that before however.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

What did you use as fertilizer?..

New York, NY

Fish Fertilizer 511

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Try using either Tomato Fertilizer or Rose Fertilizer...Jeanne
and I also give all my clematis some Alfalfa Tea.

New York, NY

Thanks Jean. The FF was a mistake. I keep that for my bamboo. (Don't worry, it's in a container.) I will try the rose.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Your FF wouldn't hurt anything..can't wait to see what you think...Please share pics...I use Liquid Fertilizers for my Clematis that are in pots sporatically but do put in some 13-13-13 at the first of the growing season....Jeanne

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