how to quicken my calla lily blooms

Dalton, GA(Zone 7a)

I need some calla blooms 3 wks from tomorrow (for my nephew's rehearsal dinner) and there's nary a flower stem in sight. The foliage is large and gorgeous but that's all so far.

I thought I remembered that mine bloomed in June, but maybe not. Anybody know how to speed things up? Maybe some bloom booster?

I'm in Dalton.


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

mine just now putting up stalks for bloom maybe a nursery has some forced?

Dalton, GA(Zone 7a)

I should be careful what I ask for - there's a flower stalk this morning! Now I need them to hold off for abt 2 wks!

Actually that's the only flower stalk I saw, so I'm probably going to be ok.

Paying for flowers is not in the budget - so whatever I've got blooming at the time is what will be on the tables. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

Peachtree City, GA(Zone 7b)

Sounds like your timing is perfect! I have many blooms and still new ones coming.
Some have been up for 2 weeks already and they look as nice as the day they bloomed.
I have more blooms on the ones that were planted last year as opposed to new ones this year, so if yours are last years, I think you will have beautiful table flowers!


Dalton, GA(Zone 7a)

All of mine have been in the ground at least 2 years. I've noticed I'm getting more blooms than before.

The Crystal Blush just kicked in yesterday so that will help (and their shape is prettier).

14 days and counting!

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