Howdy Carolina gardeners.....

Piedmont, AL(Zone 7b)

Just wanted to say hello and if it's alright wanted to post a website I got that has some stories I write on gardening.....perennials, double digging, roses, irrigation, propagation, you know gardening.....:) My stories aren't how-to's though, I hope if you get a chance to read them you might get something out of them that might help you learn from my mistakes or successes.....You might get a smile or two from reading them if that's the case then I'm glad I took the time to post them here.....Hope its alright and thanks for your the way, I've hiked some of your mountains, floated your streams and rivers a time or two...but what I really want to do is travel up to Plant Delights nursery up in Raleigh N.C. and if not shop till I drop just shop till my wife hides my wallet from me.......:)

Paul from Alabama

Thumbnail by PaulFromAL
Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Paul! You found me again! You know that we are planning a PDN visit and ru afterward at a nearby park in July, right? I live about 10 min-15 if I'm traveling with Tropicanna, LOL! Last year Tony let us use a deck near his house to 'meet up'. He likes to hang around that area so we had lots of opportunities to talk with him...which is always great. Think about coming up:-) Wallet or no, it's lots of fun!

Piedmont, AL(Zone 7b)

Hi Bev....was sitting here and told my wife what you said, she says we need to look into that....Hey that's a start...:)
I'll tell you one more thing, I like to laugh and cut up and have a good time gardening but the first time I read Tony's catalog and went through the website.....I cracked up!!!!......and I thought this guy and me are on the same wavelength.....he reminds me of this 80 year old lady that comes over to the house to look at the flowers sometimes and she is hilarious and very opinionated but just a sweetheart.....I like folks like that.....I'll let you go, but first thanks so much for the heads up on the PDN thing....I haven't had time to read the threads over on the Carolina gardening like I would like to but will make time this week....You have a good day bev and again thanks.....I got me some deadheading to do this morning.....byeeeeee

Paul from Alabama

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Best to get the deadheading done early 'fore it gets too hot. Wish I could be out, but it's field day at school, so better get my sunblock and squirt bottle and get on in there...
If you get a chance to go on the PDN website, you can find a link for what Tony calls 'hate letters'. Love reading those! Yep, I imagine that you and TA would get on just fine! He's a people person and loves to answer questions and just plain old chat, lol! Always a gentleman and very accessible, too.
Please do look into coming. We'd love to have both of you:-)

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

hey Paul welcome to our forum, I am kinda from Ala/Ga, we lived on the line. House in Ga-Barn in Ala. Can I say Muscadine Ala. with out too many laughs. My Mom still lives in Tallapoosa, Ga
I just moved to the NC coast from Raleigh and love PDN.It would be well worth the trip.


Piedmont, AL(Zone 7b)

Lord Lavina....ain't it just peachy you being from Muscadine.....I had lots of friends from up in Borden Springs....some of them were from your way too....Lots of gardeners up that way I can tell ya....I'd like to eat the homegrown tomatoes between me and Muscadine......:)
and thanks for the heads up on PDN, appreciate it.....

Paul from Alabama

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Lavina know how to work out the kinks in her wallet at PDN, LOL! So you can take her word for it:-)

Sumter, SC(Zone 8a)

Now see here folks...I was just geting ready to sign off and get ready for bed and ya'll HAD to start talking I'm all excited and can't wait for July 12th....and now I'm revising a bed on paper I have drawn up thinking what can I get at PDN to fill in cause on my day off I ripped out 6 old hollies and 4 Az. that looked like they needed a trim and then became an overhaul project (warning - do not drink beer while your's just not a good mix) and now I'm eating popcorn, getting all wound up about the new bed and worrying the sun I have now created by removing the 5' hollies and azeleas what were part shade beds will destroy what I left there (did I mention not to drink beer while pruning)....LOL just teasing ya'll....Bev - see you got in on the gloves huh...never used them but hear they are good ones so I'm giving them a whirl, plus i know my mom could use some what with her allergies and all....but HONESTLY...just what am I gonna do with clean nails LOL

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey Deanna...just couldn't let it go, could we? So holly-ripping are we???? Hummm.....RWI charges pending, lol! I know we are all getting excited. I'd be much more rip roarin' if I'd planted all my lovelies from the last ru. Gosh, can't school just end now. Don't they know I have more pressing issues right now?!
Anxiously waiting on the gloves. Nails, what nails!?

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