Big Game Hunting

Piedmont, AL(Zone 7b)

I wrote a little story about gardening, feeding wild birds, big game hunting and General Sherman.......It only makes sense if you read it......if you have a moment and would like you can make sense of it and maybe catch a smile while you're at it......

Paul from Alabama

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! GREAT story, Paul! I can see it (well, ALMOST!!) now! 'Round here, our "Big Game" are way bigger than RATS, & they've got armor on! Yup, armadillos! My DH & daughter stay up late, but their weapons of choice are .22s - NOT pellet guns. Sunday night, I was getting ready for bed, & was "in the bathroom" (IF you know what I mean!) Well - it was a GOOD thing I was sittin' where I was sittin, 'cause I heard a LOUD bang - right outside my bathroom door! I jumped up, & ran to see WHO was shooting - it was NOT my DH - he was in the office, & daughter is away working at camp. Turns out, it was my neighbor - shooting at - an armadillo. They had their daughter call us to let us know, but she called the wrong # - so some guy gets a phone call at 10:30 pm, telling him NOT to go outside, 'cause this (beautiful, young) woman's voice is telling him she's going to shoot an armadillo IN HIS YARD! ROFLMBO! At least there is a stone-cold carcass out in the field, instead of holes all over my garden!

Piedmont, AL(Zone 7b)

I'm coming for a visit to your home....I just can't come right now though, waiting on my bullet proof vest to get here.......:)

Paul from Alabama

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

Paul, Come On!!! We'll leave the porch light on, & DH will likely be out front 'scoping' for "possum on the half-shell"!

Canton, GA(Zone 7b)

This was a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing!

Piedmont, AL(Zone 7b)

Samantha, thanks so much, I read your comment and have decided to cancel our dinner reservations this evening at one of the finer dinning establishments here in Piedmont......TacoBell......:)....Gee possum on the half-shell, surely you jest.....:) glad you enjoyed it...and thank you for writing me and letting me know you liked it....

Paul from Alabama

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