S. wagneriana section as promised

Kalimna, Australia

This morning we have been blessed with some rain so while the garden loves the rain it's not so good for photos. The first picture shows an overall shot of the S. wagneriana peeping over the 1.8 m. trellis with the Lilly-pilly tree behind and a heeble sculpture made by our son in front. I'll send a closer one of the flowers next,
yours etc, Fella

Thumbnail by Salvia_girl

That's lovely ...would you mind telling me what that climber is on the trellis ...those long pods look like my mand., Laxa ...but the leaves don't. Sorry but I don't recognise it and I am curious.

OK fella informs me that it is the M. Laxa ...wow look at all those seedpods! ...for anyone unfamiliar with these wonderful white trumpet blooms ...the fragrance is like gardenia sprinkled with nutmeg ...mmmm.Don't let those seeds blow away.

Kalimna, Australia

I have taken some pics with my new camera of our Eastern Spinebills which just love the Salvias,
First is one hovering at Geg's S. involucrataxkarwinskii Romantic Rose'
I hope it's not too stretched,
Regards, Fella.

Thumbnail by Salvia_girl
Kalimna, Australia

I hope this one is better of an Eastern Spinebill in front of Geg's S. wagneriana looking at me

Thumbnail by Salvia_girl

Very pretty ...the salvia and the birdy.

Kalimna, Australia

Sorry about the pictures yesterday, it was my first go with camera and pixels were down low. I've increased them now and will show you a few more which I think are better,
Firstly I fluked two Eastern Spinebills with the one shot ,
much to my surprise when I downloaded them, ( I have no left side vision since my stroke ).
Here they are on Geg's S. wagneriana which is still flowering,
Cheers, Fella.

Thumbnail by Salvia_girl
Kalimna, Australia

I'll probably have the pictures too big now but here's one of a Spinebill at Geg's S. madrensis which is still hanging on quite well,
Cheers all, Fella, for Salvia girl who's coming home this Saturday14th

Thumbnail by Salvia_girl
Kalimna, Australia

Still on the birds back to one hovering at the wagneriana,
Geg will be more into the plants but blokes like the birds,
Cheers Fella.

Thumbnail by Salvia_girl
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Thats a really great pic Fella.You did well to capture it. And the salvia is so lovely too...I'm just starting to collect salvia myself so enjoy seeing your pics,cheers

Edited to say: Your partner is one lucky girl...to have someone who enjoys the garden as much as she does....I'm envious!!LOL

This message was edited Jun 11, 2008 4:17 PM

Kalimna, Australia

This afternoon I took this picture of one of Geg's
orchids in the garden at our front door,
Cheers, Fella

Thumbnail by Salvia_girl
Kalimna, Australia

Geg has a few well established Grevilleas in our front garden,
here is one of the flowers,

Thumbnail by Salvia_girl
Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Great bird shots and salvia shots, thanks for sharing:)

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