Garden Art/Ornaments

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

This is my very favourite...Beaumont aka Beau Beau my very placid gentle giant..I think he displays well!lol
Lets see yours..

Thumbnail by brical1
(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Hi, Briscal1, I have a huge orange kitty, too, but he's not always gentle! He likes to pounce on my feet as I walk by! When he needs a nap, [or I do,] he cries till I go to bed with him! He calls me Mama, and in the morning when he gets me up, he says .....'Mon! For come on, you know! They're lots of company, aren't they?
His name is Marmalade, Marmie for short. Of course, he's not the least bit spoiled! I got him when he was 5 months old, from the Humane Shelter, and he picked me out. I didn't intend to get a kitten! I enjoy him, very much!

Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

Well, here are our "fur kids".

Jesse is a one year old Pom x (we think). We adopted him over Easter weekend this year and he just loves the pet grass!! His favourite toys are empty plastic pots and he plays soccer with them on the deck (sometimes at 3am, when he's awake - and we're not!!!)

Thumbnail by khopton
Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

...and here's our other "fur kid", Maggie:

Thumbnail by khopton
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Hi Audrey.They sure are good true they do choose their owner..they own you not the other way around lol!Marmalades' a very discriptive name for an orange puss...I've known a few marmalades too!
Beau Beau also answers to another name ..."Orange Teddy"...he reminds me so much of a Teddy Bear with his big round orange marble eyes lol....I love him....he was originally my daughters cat but has been with me now for 7 years so it would be hard to part with him...and he is so easy going and puts up with a lot(of licking) from our 2 border collies not to mention the other cat who really does give him a hard time and frequently lashes out at him..
Khopton,Jesse looks a real cutie...but tell me.. how do you know he's playing soccer on the deck at 3 am when you're asleep LOL!I like your puss she's pretty!Pets are great aren't they and they can be such wonderful company not to mention entertainers lol!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

This is Yin and Yang (Lily and Leo) keeping the doorstep warm. (viewed through the window) They too like to play with plastic soft drink bottles and bones on the veranda, making a terrible racket! (no plastic pots allowed!)
When We are inside, this is where they stay, waiting for the moment you step out the back door, so they can enjoy our company as we go about our business.
They're my kids!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Cute kids too LOL!

Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

A golf ball being rolled/thrown across the deck makes quite a racket!!! I don't mind the empty plastic pots because he leaves our filled pots alone! I'm just happy he can keep himself entertained. Don't fancy having two dogs just now!!! k

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Lily has a hard rubber ball and will stand at the back door, dropping it over and over till we (A) throw it or (B) take it off her.
BONK....BONK...Bonk...bonk..bonk..bonk..bonk onk onk onk onk.

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