What is happenng here?

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Are the holes that are showing up near four of our parkway trees the result of burrowing critters? Or have I been doing something wrong? Several parkway trees (40 plus years old now) with exposed roots appear to be hollowed out and are leaving dangeous holes for kids and adults (!) to fall into--what do you recommend? I have called the city arborists and they will send someone out but--how I prefer to hear from Trees and Shrubs experts. There must be something that I can do about this--right?

Thumbnail by bacarney
Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

I would say critters but that's strange to have roots going through a hole like the one on the left.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)


You could put all your photos in one thread, and save folks from having to click through three different ones. Simply reply to your original post, and add the subsequent pictures there. Then ask the Admins to delete the other threads.

The holes look like critter tunnels, either exit/entrance holes or cavitation/collapsed runways. One of your pics even looks like a dog was digging around trying to find the varmint. In any case - not your fault, unless you harbor critters or digging dogs.

You could simply add shovels full of soil to the holes, to level them off and remove the trip hazard. Then watch to see if new disturbance takes place, and ID the devil.

Piedmont, SC(Zone 7b)

First put moth balls in the holes! Most critters can't stand the smell and will leave. Wait a few days and add a little dirt at a time washing it on down into the hole with your hose pipe.

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