General chat III (or is it IV?)

Coffs Harbour, Australia

We came form here
This is a thread for chatting about family, outings, and stuff in general. If you have a particular plant query, start a new thread (don't mean to be bossy, but it takes up space)
I have ahd a busy week, and worked in the jungle, unloaded 3 cubic metres of mulch over the week, and am doing a stall at a local Beach fair on Sunday.
In case you aren't aware, I am off to Tassie (DH is racing in the vintage motorcross Australian Titles)
On sun June 1, for 2 weeks! Brrrrrrr! Is all I can say!
Will you miss me? (please don't talk about me when i'm gone!) LOL ^_^

Thumbnail by weed_woman

Yes we will will be pretty cold Nephew was in tassie for christmas hols and said it snowed on New Years Day that kind of scared me. Are you excited? ...what places will you visit while you are there? I have been told by friends that certain tourist places are haunted ...I live down the road from a certain haunted old church and graveyard ...I used to wonder why some weird tourists would pull up in buses and have picnics in the grounds until I was told that they were ghost hunters ...testing for Paranormal activity ...and they reckon to have found plenty there.I always felt something around that area and just put it down to such an old district having certain vibes, evidently this place has been declared officially haunted.So anyway if you are going anywhere near a certain Old Jail ...I would love to know what you think friend said you could feel awful blackness a dark heavy depression ...almost crushing in it's intensity: she came back well and truly freaked out .That was two years before the awful rampage of of that madman. I have often wondered if my friend had picked up some murderous vibes that haunt that place and perhaps vibes that may have influenced a feeble minded maniac.
Onto happier thoughts ...I know that Tasmania is very beautiful ...and we will look foward to hearing all about your adventures and tell hubby we wish him luck in the motorcross.
To everyone else ...whoo hoo it's the weekend.
Happy gardening

Thumbnail by
Merino, Australia

Have a great time Sue. Tas. is the one state I have never been to and I hope you bring back lots of pics ( gardens of course ) for us to see.
On a sad note. Foxy Loxy came back. he liked my girls so much he cam eback this morning in broad daylight for the last of Henry's wives and Henry himself.
No more poultry. I am not going to be a private eatery for Foxy Loxy any more.
On a brighter note, the sun is shining and even though the morning started off at around 4C it is now quite nice.
I may get a bit done outside today and am looking for a space for another shadehouse. Yes, another one. I need one, the others are full.
Stop laughing you lot, I can hear you and you know you are as bad as I am anyway.
I'm off to have lunch. Weiner Schnitzel with mixed vegetables in a pepper sauce with hash browns on the side.
A lovely navel orange to finish. I wait all year for the navels to appear in the shops. They are the only oranges worth eating. Yum.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thanks you guys.
Sorry about your chooks Jean! The loss of any pet is always a hard one! I've only got the two left also. I let them out yesterday and they dug out all the mulch and the vege seedlings! Oh foxy!!!!!
Chrissy, I am excited about taking time off, going for a drive and seeing some relos on the way. Im NOT excited about the cold! Unfortunately, none of the open gardens will be open. I do have plans to stop in at a bromeliad nursery in melbourne on the way back.
We are driving down to Melbourne, with a visit to dad-in-law and daughter on the way. Then over on the boat and down near Hobart to visit my mad brother (lives in a shed which he is doing up as a castle, and has a cave for a toilet) then back north for 4 days of vintage motorcycle racing in Carrick (near Launceston) over the june long weekend.
I hear theres a good market in launceston on the sunday, so I'm going to to try and get to that (but can't get plants due to quarantine regs) Hopefully they run it during the cold season.
On the Monday we go back on the ferry, then have a couple of days to drive home with a visit and dinner with my daughter for her 21st.
We have to be home for friday 13 as DH has a trailer inspection that can't be changed.
So it'll be a bit rushed with the driving, but I'll have plenty of time while DH is riding to catch up on Tafe homework and some knitting I'm doing.
Tomorrow is the Emerald Beach fair, and I've packed the car and am mostly ready. I wish I wasn't doing it actually, as there is alot to do before we go away, and i still have a full weeks work ahead of me. Oh well, Hopefully I'll enjoy the day and make some money and sell some stuff!
Jean, I'm still waiting for the floor to be levelled for my new shadehouse! I don't think it'll ever get done unless I do it myself. Its just so backbreaking!
Hasn't it got quiet in the forums of late? They come and they go rather quickly eh?

Golly Sue your brother sounds like a colourful personality ...I think they make the world a really interesting place don't you? It sounds like you will have a ball ...good for you!
Yes it is a bit quiet lately but I think there is lots to do and some folks are on the telephone hook up and it is very hard keeping up ...I remember when I had the phone link it would take half an hour to load a long thread.
There has also been some trouble with the new security patch upgrade in Windows ...everyone is howling about it slowing the computers down and mine too...even with Broadband it is going much slower ...oh well.
The fox came back Jean ...yep they get so hungry in the colder months ...that is when they give birth. They eat anything and sadly the chooks are on their menu.I miss my girls but no more for me either.You watch the foxes run through the fields here and across the roads ...the small wildlife stands no chance, it's a very sad thing.
Well have fun (at the Nurseries and sales) in the garden everyone ...and to any shy lurkers out there pop in and say hi.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

My stall at the Emerald beach fair. It was a very busy day, but I fared as usual with the plant sales. Still, its given me a bit of room in the shade house again. (I did come home with 2 plants extra, a silver lady fern and a pink syngonium) Shhhhh, don't laugh, you would have too!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

There were stacks of people! The food stalls did well and so did any stalls aimed at children. It was an ok day, but alot of work, and I really should have been at home getting organised for next week.
Yes Chrissy, my brother is "colourful". He is in a midaevil battle group, and he goes around the country (and abroad) fighting with wooden swords and stuff. He is currently on the look out for a wench, but I don't like his chances. He is 41 and never had a lady friend before, so has alot to learn about women! He has been so busy climbing mountains, working in ski resorts, abseiling down cliffs and fighting wars, there has been no time for wooing women!
Ah well, time to cook tea, then I might have an early one.
I hope your weather was as perfect as ours today!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Your stall looks good Sue..seems to be set up well too... most people don't realize though the work that goes into setting it all up..assembling etc it all takes time doesn't it.
I hope you have a great time in Tassie too...your brother does sound interesting,are you planning on staying a night with him... it'll be good for you to catch up.
Yeah and good luck to hubby in his races...have fun & keep warm

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Sue, tell your brother if he has trouble finding a "wench", come to America! Lots of single women here, he might need to import one!

Have great time over in Tassie...hey Doe41 we are losing enough blokes to America they are everywhere over there ...Cane on the young and the restless ...Anthony La Paglia ...even our gardeners ... Jamie has been nicked by Oprah ...we even had Michael on American Idol you have enough of them already^_^ ...Sue you might like to tell your colourful brother ...I think the Americans would love him.
Gee sorry about the sale Sue...but these days what with everything going through the roof price wise I think sad to say Bunnings and the supermarkets are the only winners.Gardening is going out of fashion with the younger folk ...sigh.
Oh well better go try and find some unfrozen objects to take pics of.
happy gardening/travelling everyone ...oh and Doe 41 ...we love that you love our fellas ...just don't keep them .

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Hey, I didn't mean to keep him! LOL, I thought he might want to import one to Austrailia! ;} We like'em over here, alright, just thought you might need a fresh crop of women! :]Doe

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I reckon any woman who could put up with my brother would be a saint! I guess he's ok, but of course wants a wench that looks perfect, cooks perfect and will clean up after him! Now you know why he hasn't got one! She would also be expected to do all this wothout power, running water or a flushing loo, but hey, she gets to live in a castle/shed! LOL
If you know anyone like that Audrey, Send me a Dmail and I'll pass it on to my brother
The sale was not too bad, actually. I priced my suculents at $2 and they walked out the door. There was another man selling plants, but they were different to mine, so there was no competition between us. It was hard to be sitting/standing around for so long when I was thinking of a thousand things I need to do before we head off this weekend.
This is my brothers outhouse!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

This is the throne room (its all one room actually) in the shed/castle. He is going to clad the shed with stone from around his property. He invisages a themed castle with visitors and stuff one day.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

This is the bed to the right, and the kitchen. Sorry about the quality of the photo, but I didn't take it. He hadn't moved in at this point, hence no mattress on the bed yet.

Thumbnail by weed_woman

Wow that is cool ...and any American wenches are welcome over here anytime ^_^

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

I think it's great! I'll keep my eye out for someone! I'm sure there's one somewhere!

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Can anyone help me get a brug? I want one sooo bad! I've posted every place I can find, but no response. I can't find them here in Tennesse, USA. Haven't tried Lowes yet, maybe I'll go there today and see. I don't have much to trade, maybe I can find a wench? LOL ;-] ! I know it's difficult to get them out of Austrailia, all help would be appreciated. Maybe someone knows where I can get one in the States? (US)

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

The person who e-mailed me about brug cuttings, PLEASE, e-mail me again! I lost you! I DO want some!

seedsprout that one ...they are having a sale on cuttings and seeds, I have purchased some seeds from them and have been very happy with the service and quality.

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Chrissy! I'm getting some from Hi. I'll definately keep th site on my favs, though!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Sorry Audrey, but were you after a wench or a Brug? LOL

new york, Virgin Islands (USA)

Riviera Magazine May 2008

Questions for Aurélien Liutkus the talented Landscape Architect on planting a Mediterranean garden:

The Three Colours for the Riviera:

Camaieu blue like the sky and the sea,
shiny grey like the olive trees,
white like the dails of the boats.


Lights because a garden also lives in the evening. Who
can resist the breathtaking charm of flowers draped in the darkness, emaning wonderful scents ?
No doubt beauty is in the detail....

Coffs Harbour, Australia

????? what the?

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Audrey,check Daves marketplace too...there are seeds and cuttings/plants selling there now for reasonable prices.

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

You' re BAAAd! My boy friend would laugh to see that!! The only reason I need a wench is to tend the brugs and clean the house, in that order!!! :-}

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Yeah, I keep telling my Hubby to get another wife who can cook, clean and do the wifely duties, so I can spend more time in the garden. I swear I wouldn't be jealous! LOL
he hasn't found the right one yet apparently!

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Sounds good to me!

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