The FLOWERPOT Cafe' X - Join us for a cup of Flowers!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

This is my first echinacea of the season a pale yellow. I have the day off today, can you tell? Headed to the dentist in a little bit. I just took the above arrangement and removed the old and in with new. I really like that container, it is more of my mom's pewter this one a bit of a pedestal and very shallow. I really like the iris stems, gives everything an oriental appearance.

This message was edited Jun 30, 2008 9:28 AM

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thread is taking a while to load, Terri would you please begin another?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Goodness, is the cafe closed for the holidays or for renovations? Hello, is there anyone out there, I was only gone 2 days - did I miss something as usual LOL!

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks for the underwater flowers elle, very pretty.

Welcome home Candee! Love that echinacea, I always thought they were pink!!
Hope you are pleased with your haircut and the dentist went ok.

I'll start a new thread......

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Echinacea comes in many colors. I have pinkish, a double pink, yellow, white, and a kinda mauve. I'll show you as they come up.
Dentist filling no big deal, guess it all the cafe booze and sweet treats!
Hair is hair, I don't keep much of it on my head, never worry about those bad hair days others speak of. I always look as good as I feel and like to think I usually feel good ^_^.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Terri, you forgot the link to the new cafe'

Goodness, I disappear for a bit and things start falling apart :)

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Link doesn't work, just brings you back to here.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

here ya go Mittsy and everybody else who got lost besides me. : )

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

ROTFLMBO...Trying to be a bit cheeky, I posted the same thread. Humility ensues.

london England, United Kingdom

Just like the old days, we kept going back to the origional cafe' LOL!! Which btw, will be 1 year since we opened in July 2007! A flower festival would be nice!

I will learn how to link one day! until then you computer wizards are going a great job!!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Wow, a year!! Of course I didn't know about this wonderful cafe' until Sept or so.

I did see a crazed Karma walking around here, hair disheveled with leaves stuck in it, rotting flower petals on her clothes. Poor girl, just can't let the old days go.

Hugs to you Karma!!

london England, United Kingdom

and ..... did you know, Karma was the first person to make me a cup of coffee? It was the best cup I ever had!
HUGS Karma!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sorry I missed the beginning of the cafe, grand opening must have been quite an event. I have looked back to the beginning of all the cut flowers threads and knew it was the place for me as soon as I began reading posts. This at least to me is the most fun thread on DG and I haven't been here long, but feel like family already.
A festival sounds like another marvelous idea Terri!

london England, United Kingdom

Oh Candee, nearly made me cry! Love it here.

Flower festival..... start thinking of ideas for this event please flowerpot cafe !!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

LOL, started a while back. Had an idea for a theme months ago for "summer fun" so I bought a couple of those ring styrofoam things and a cut one and was jotting down ideas for my carousel, so I would be prepared when the flowers came. Well yesterday when I began to feel better and had my flowers in bloom I tried to start it. Now try to imagine this, two rings held together with red/white striped straws - 8 of them - then inside the straw supports of the carousel I inserted coleus leaves for that center part of the carousel. - I glued them and they looked quite sad, then I put on the half ball top for the dome of the carousel and tried to insert those 9' trumpet lilies to hang out over the edge, they didn't want to stay well so I used some pins, then I put lychnis on the top of the dome and then I went and got some of my coneflowers and plucked off the petals and was going to insert them upright for stools to ride on. Well to make a long story short, this all took about 1 1/2 hours and it looked like crap so in the trash it went except for the styrofoam. So at least I've been thinking about it!

london England, United Kingdom

Great ideas Candee, soz it didn't work out on the first attempt. Lol!
Fairground rides, fairy gardens, adorable puppy arrangement stalls, food and drinks ... sounds fab!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Must admit it was a great idea LOL!

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