The FLOWERPOT Cafe' X - Join us for a cup of Flowers!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hope Elle gets here soon, I want a piece of that cake before we head up to the cabin. Nothing wrong with your memory Sue, as a matter of fact we are taking that monster mower back up this afternoon following repairs and hope to get it off the trailer w/o incident and get that mowing done so we can go to the creek tomorrow and have no other chores to do except catching a couple trout and soaking in the spring water.
Terri, I need to find the time to actually make something that just isn't stuck in the pot of water, but just seems like there isn't enough hours in the day sometimes and still if there were more hours I'd be asleep anyway LOL! As it is I can't stay awake much more than 9:30 pm and then it is up early and head to work. I still have a long way to go on my fairy house and haven't touched it in several weeks.

Humansville, MO

hi terri and all
i love my cake
i work afternoon now
2pm to 10pm
that is a good time for me
i love my cake so i took a picture of it and going to take it to work
we going to celbert my brithday this weekend when i off work
i hope every one is bless like i am

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Glad you got a pic of it before we cut it, now can we cut it Elle, pretty please, I really want a piece before we head out of town at noon. HAve a great celebration and am sure you will get more poseys for your special day. Also glad to hear that you like your new shift and perhaps are not quite so tired as you had been. Enjoy,

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sue, so you had a birthday and we missed it. Now how did we manage that one? Here is my newest little pineapple for you. Think of it as a daquiri from my garden to yours. Hope you had a great day.

Thumbnail by haighr
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Awww shucks, Candee, thanks so much. *slurp slurpn on my daquiri* I still have a pineapple, but it didn't get very big, and the colour has gone out of the leaves now. How will I know when it's ready?

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Happy Belated Birthday Elle! Hope you have a great time celebrating the big 65 this weekend. Beautiful cake too! Did anyone notice the watering can of flowers at the top? What sort of drink were you pouring for us, Terri?

Thanks Candee! I really like your 3-tier vase. I would like to build one like that from large bamboo canes, but not sure how to make the base. Nice pineapple! Is that the one from an eaten pineapple? If so, how long did it take? Will it just sit like that in the center of the leaves as it grows? Neat!

Sue, happy belated birthday to you too! Love that happy colorful arrangement. Beautiful colors.

Soils, your grouping of flowers is lovely. Terri, your smiley teapots make me smile. Hi Adele, how are you?

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Everyone! Star, how are your veggies doing? Traci, hope the move is going well?

Happy Belated Birthday Sue! I'll bring in your pressie later, maybe next week!! I've had an idea for something suitable. All Birthdays are important, especially one of our regulars!!

Hi Elle, I hope you enjoy your birthday celebrations this weekend, dancing the night away!
So pleased to hear you liked your cake and even took a picture of it to work, thankyou I'm thrilled!

Hi Karma, I see you turned up just in time for cake, hahaha!!! nice to hear from you. The flowers in the watering can are campanula. I was thinking the same thing about using bamboo to make a 3 tier container like Candees, haven't thought about the base but will probably use a clear glass plate.

Candee, Have a nice weekend! I don;t always spend hours on arrangements! For instance, Elle's cake took about 10 minutes to make and only has a tiny bit of oasis in the centre for the rose and hELLEbore leaves. The flowers placed all around are in little glass candle holder vases, filled with water which fit into the basket.

Have a nice weekend all.

Cheers Sue!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Humansville, MO

hi all
happy brithday sue
i hope it good like my was
i love every one flower arrangement
i am hoping to make some for some one to liven up there day like your did my

london England, United Kingdom

Hi elle, have fun making your arrangements, hope to see them!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hi Elle, can't wait to see what you make for the cafe. Glad you had a great day.
Sue, you are going to get a Terri cake whether you want one or not LOL! Even if I have to pop over there and help her with the ingredients! Sounds like a great way to put one of those cakes together Terri, thanks for the schooling.
As for the pineapple, yes I grow them from the fruit that we eat. Each time I harvest one I start another from its top sprouts. I just cut off the top, peel away all the pineapple around the base and strip a few leaves so it has about a 2" stem and let it sit to dry for a couple days, then put in a mix of orchid mix and potting soil and if you gently tug on it about a week later and it doesn't pop out of the soil it is rooted. Yes the little pineapple grows right where it is and can get quite cumbersome toward harvest time. Here is a pic of one ready for harvest while still on the plant.

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Here is my first cake attempt so don't laugh too hard. This is for Elle and Sue to share if you think your stomachs can take it LOL!
It is a strawberry lemon - I wasn't sure how many candles for Sue and so I just added a few for each of you to share when they get lit later in the cafe.
Hope you enjoy, let me know how it tastes, I ate way too much batter and have a bit of a belly ache right now myself!

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Here is a shot from the top, yep I know I missed a few spots with the icing!

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Now this should fit right in here at the cafe on the corner. My pickle on fire, orange lilies for contrast in the teapot and my wine and Steve's brew. Anyone care to sit with us a spell, not too long as we always have work to be done around this homestead. Nice to put my feet up once in a while and enjoy a nice beverage at the cafe.

Thumbnail by haighr
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thanks Candee, the cake is scrumptious, but now I want to just stroll around in your garden and then chillax with my feet up and warming in front of the pickle on fire!
Thanks for making my birthday go so long! I got a card from my aunty yesterday (that makes 3 in total) I have to admit, I wasn't remembered by some people who ought to have remembered, and I don't want to make them feel bad by reminding them. Obviously they just have lots going on in their lives, and I'm not celebrating a biggish one for another couple of years yet. I'll let you know how many candles when that one comes around! LOL.
No pics from me today. I had class and then came home and whacked some more grasses in a garden bed, then I was a good wifey and vacuumed and washed the floors! That's two weeks in a row!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sue, you know you are welcome to come sit and chill any time you are in the neighborhood. Thought I saw you walking down the road yesterday, but must have been mistaken as you were scrubbin floors again.
Sorry that some missed your bday, but like you said folks have a lot on their minds these days and so am glad you are not too bothered about it, there are much more important things in life.
Glad you enjoyed the cake hope Elle got a taste cause this morning it looked stale already so may have to throw away what wasn't eaten last eve.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Morning all!!!!!!! Just catching up since I still can't do to much. got into a nest of wasps and they did a realnumber all over the arms and back. Just glad my neighbors weren't home as I had to strip off the tee shirt to get them out of it.

Went out this mornign to see, if I could find anything blooming to try and cut, but got nothing but a couple of daylilies. This the worst year ever here for trying to get anythign to bloom. Evn the wild flowers form the heat and drought have died and that bad.

The veggies are struggling to and it all I cna do to try and keep them going. Couldn't make a flower arrangement, but made ya all a sign and let ya know I still hanging with ya.

I may have to seriously consider moving or something if I want to get any flowers. I put in 500 glads and all of them have some sort of rust on them from the humidity and heat being so high. Gonna have to rip them out and throw them away.

I just hope the fall mum crop doesn't go the same way.

Been busy taking down trees in one area and trying to get it cleared to grow and plant on. It not easy when they 60-100foot plus and ya gotta try and drop them and not in your neighbors yard.

The few plants I do have blooming, I don't dare cut cuz the hummers are visiting them.

Am sure enjoying seeing everybody elses flowers and been gathering some containers and vases from the market when I se them just incase I do get to get some flowers, but for the moment sure am enjoying learning.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Love the peppery Hi! Like I say, ya gotta work with what you've got!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hi Star,
Wow sorry to hear about the wasps, hope you are feeling okay with all those stings. We tote Adolphs meat tenderizer with us in the car and tackle box and home and cabin as it really relieves the sting better than anything else we have ever tried.

Sorry your gardens aren't doing well in the heat, perhaps you will have some surprises later in the season when the temps change and something decides to pop up later. The peppers look like they like it hot, hot, hot! Least they are not on fire like my pickle up there LOL!
Hit mittsy, got some zinnias coming!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Have you ever heard about taping a copper penny to a bee or wasp sting? I recently received this as an e-mail and will try it next time I get stung.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Never heard that one mittsy, but will now go look it up.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Read about it some on google mittsy and apparently has worked for a number of folks.

Humansville, MO

hi all
i sure love all
like sue the two girl forgot mother but my son
did not
he took he and my db out to lunch
he got a new truck so he had to show it off lol
we are trying to get thing going since i change hour on my job
2pm to 10pm
we hope we get to do more thing
our garden is too wet here
love elle
love the cakes and all the wish you all make my day

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone.

Wait! Candee, please don't throw out that delicious looking cake, I want some!! What a great idea for the candles, it looks lovely. The bit of missing icing shows us it's homemade, my favourite kind of cake!
Love the new Arty area, so cool to come and chillax here. Thank you for the painting it's perfect.

Sue, Did you get all your work handed in on time? Good wifey, keeping house so clean and tidy! BTW, your present is still 'work in progress' and it's NOT a cake!!

Star, I love our new sign! Thankyou. It's so cool or should I say HOT! Sorry about the wasp stings. Have you lost all your lovely gerberas too? Thats such a shame.

Mittsy, I haven't heard of the copper penny for wasps, nastey critters they are! What flowers are you working with this week?

Hi elle, sounds like you had fun, lunch and a ride in your sons new wheels! Too wet for you? Too dry for Star. ohh dear LOL!

I haven't had time to make anything yet today. Here's what I found on my veggie plot......... HOLY cabbages!

This message was edited Jun 24, 2008 5:48 PM

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Terri, havent seen any new photos on the Allotment, better get with it since you now have things popping up! You better get the cake in the next two hours, cause when I get there then the rest is going in the trash can. Can't wait to see the

work in progress
that is not a cake. You keep me on the edge of my seat with your creations.

That arty area is our flaming pickle room, that's where the booze hounds go to chill after coffee at the cafe. The pickle hangs over the entrance, you just can't quite see it in the photo, but you know the way!

Elle, glad you enjoyed your day even though you had a similar "forgot the day" folks out there. Bet that ride made up for it though. Hope you had something good to eat!

london England, United Kingdom

Candee, you worked so hard designing the flaming pickle room.
I just came in to stock up the bar with some fine house red wine.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

or maybe you prefer the house white?

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

We have house rose' too!
Have a nice evening all.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Allotment pics tomorrow Candee, ok? I will be here late, we have parents evening at Katies school tomorrow.
I can just hear it now,.... she chats too much, needs to focus more etc etc LOL!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi everyone.
Star, it seems like just yesterday you were bringing things in to protect them from the cold! I don't know what your wasps are like, but ours make you feel like you're on fire! Apparently honey works to relieve the sting, but I've never tried it.
Hey Terri, yes I got my assignments in and completed the presentation assessments and all that Jazz. Yay, three weeks break (well fromTafe anyway) Looking forward to some pics of the lottie.
I hope to get an arrangement done before I head off again, but don't count on it ok? I'll be back for a cuppa tomorrow.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Great job stocking the bar Terri. The wine cellar at the cafe never looked better. We may have to get to work on the liquor cabinet as most of the bottles are empty cause of all the birthdays. I think the next glass for me will be the house white, looks real "chilling". LOL, I can imagine your daughter being chatty, but I cannot imagine that she doesn't focus, if she takes after you she must be quite focused and diligent in all of her efforts. Am sure your meeting will be splendid, I kinda remember those meetings although they took place many years ago as our kids have been out of college for over 10 years.

Sue - glad you got a break for a bit and I am looking forward to your next creation no matter when you get to it! Have a great day.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone.

LoL Candee! it does look a bit spooky, hope I didn't scare everyone away.........WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
The parents evening went on for 2 and a half hours!!! Anyway she's doing really well in all subjects, gifted in music! and I was right about the chatting too much!!! They call it academic mentoring now instead of parents evening, What next ?LOL!!

Hi Sue, Well done getting all your work handed in, enioy your break! I hope someone will make a brew soon!!!!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

academic mentoring
- Back in my kids school days it was parent/teacher conference and way back when I was in school it was called "Candee's in trouble again we need to talk to you"

What music are they referring to - is she accomplished vocally or instrumentally or both? Gotta laugh about the chatting, if she didn't say anything and stayed quiet that would likely be just as much a problem, likely more!

I see if I can get some brew together tomorrow morning as I am off and we will be heading to the cabin around lunch, so I'll have the morning to play, well after going for groceries. Tim, Amy and Eva are coming in from Ohio for the weekend so need to plan some meals. Thinking it is going to be deer tenderloin and baked taters on Friday and crab cakes and fries on Saturday night.

london England, United Kingdom

Apparently both! she sings and plays the drums at the same time!
Have a lovely time with the family at the weekend, if I don't see you before you go.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

That is wonderful. Our son Tim played the drums, could not bear to hear him belt out a tune though LOL! I bought Eva (my granddaughter - his daughter) a set of drums two months ago for her second birthday and she really likes them. Believe she is on the third set of sticks already.
I'll be around a bit before I go, will try to make a little something for the cafe before I go, if the rain stays away. Gotta mow this eve after I get a haircut, I am looking like a shaggy pup, well not exactly a pup, more like a shaggy old hounddog!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I made a little something for the cafe decor. Lilies are fun to work with but don't last long so enjoy while I am away at the cabin.

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oops, I almost left without helping to restock the cafe bar as promised. Here is a bit of my hymenocallis ismene vodka along with some swizzle sticks. Wouldn't want anyone to go thirsty while I am off to the cabin! Enjoy, hope everyone likes vodka, perhaps if not straight up on ice, somebody could provide some mixers?

Thumbnail by haighr
london England, United Kingdom

Good idea to make an arrangement with candles Candee, it's looking great in here. Thanks for stocking up!
Have a good weekend everyone.

Humansville, MO

here is my flower under water

Thumbnail by ellesgh
Humansville, MO

and here

Thumbnail by ellesgh
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Nice little drink concoction you made there Elle, did you use some of that isemene vodka? Think I'll try a sip later when it is closer to 5 o'clock!

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