The FLOWERPOT Cafe' X - Join us for a cup of Flowers!

Coffs Harbour, Australia
My holiday thread.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Mittsy, I really like your teapot and what a clever idea, you all have the neatest imaginations for creations.
Elles, what an adorable chick, pee wee, how cute is that.
Terri, looks like you had a great outing. Were you high up on a mountain? Lovely view. You know I used to have one of those smiley cups and am not sure where it ever got to, now I believe I know, you picked it up at a sale! Great arrangements! Lovin the mellow yellows. What is that fuzzy looking one in the right hand vase?
Sue will go and check out your holiday thread, sorry to hear about the bad day, but least everyone is fine and am sure there are lots of splendid things to recall from the trip to override that bad incident. So nice to see you in person, I was taken aback a bit when I saw the photo as you quite resemble someone I know here at home and she is a sweet gem as well!

This message was edited Jun 16, 2008 8:00 AM

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Sue, Thanks for the holiday thread.
Candee, Thanks, fuzzy is rose of sharron! It's just a little hill, there aren't any mountains in London... I don't think!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I went out to gather some "Mock Orange for a bouquet and got waylayed by this imitator of Queen Anne's lace. Have no idea what it is other than invasive. Enjoy the refreshment .

Thumbnail by mittsy
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

If you're goin to show your taters then I'm showin my Korn! This is (drum roll please) RUBY QUEEN!

Thumbnail by mittsy
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh I like that Queen Anne's lace mittsy, would like to have it invade here a bit. Nice idea for the corn, we tried in our garden one year, but kep falling over, even with a bit of staking?
Here is a pot of clematis tea for everyone - enjoy.

Thumbnail by haighr
london England, United Kingdom

Good morning all!
Oh lovely teapot arrangements, Thankyou!
Mittsy, it looks like Dill? whatever it is, you made a lovely display. Your corn looks so much better than mine, I'm having the same trouble as Candee had, it keeps falling over!
Candee, Thanks for bringing out the best teapot, it looks so upmarket in here!!! Beautiful.

I picked a few strawberries for breakfast, maybe one each? LOL!!
Have a good day everyone.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Mittsy,You mean I could grow corn in a container!!! How exciting! How tall will it grow?Where did you get the seeds for your Ruby Queen?
Candee,Thanks for the clematis tea. It's beautiful, delicate and soothing.
Terri, Your strawberries look yummy! I'm growing some heirloom tomatoes and cilantro, peppers,lavender, and potatoes(blue, white and red) and strawberries but the robins eat them before I get a chance to pick them.

Thumbnail by diggerette
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Lovely Adele, everything looks soooooooo healthy and inviting. I will have to tell Steve about the corn pot as that may be something we could try next year. Just do some in pots and stake each pot around?
Sorry you are having the same trouble Terri. We even tried one year to take stakes and then run twine down each side of every row and it still toppled over and another year we tried to individuall stake each stalk LOL! We often talk about adding a row of sweet corn or 2 to the field of corn across the street, but that is field corn for the animals and we are not sure how it might cross pollinate if we put in sweet corn inbetween for our desire, but thought it might work as the corn in the field only topples over where the deer ravage it.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I've never gown corn on the deck before, but need to watch out for those hungry varmits. I imagine it will grow to normal size. I bought the seed at Wal-Mart in Satellite Beach, Florida. I shared the package with my son in KY. He has his planted in his garden so we can compare growing heigths. I also have peas, pepper and lettuce on my deck garden, and lots of herbs.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Good job mittsy, thanks for lettucing us know LOL! I am definitely going to tell Steve as the deck garden is a really handy idea.
BTW our Zinnias are coming up quite nicely and I am babying them for us. Thanks again!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

That deserves I lettuce you'll know.

Thumbnail by mittsy
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

^_^ What a beautiful way to begin a day on the lake - lovely setting mittsy!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone,
Your veggie plants are all looking great. Remember to water!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Love those sprinklers! Gotta try an arrangement in my watering can.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

You have the most unique containers and you always put them to such marvelous use! Lovely tins!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

OMG, I just can't keep up with you all! Fresh flowers for the Cafe.
Yellow Aloe, matchstick brom and Aechmea fasciata brom flowers, Pink federation daisy, Coleus leaves and Japanese wind flower leaves

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hey Sue, What a cheerful and colorful arrangement to start my day. Thanks!

Aquilegia chrysantha

Thumbnail by diggerette
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Last nights rainstorm produced this beauty.

Thumbnail by mittsy
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sue, thanks so much for brightening my morning, so vibrant - almost makes me energetic enough to get to work LOL!
Adele thanks to you as well - all that mellow yellow brought me back to the reality of being at work. I just love that color.
And thank you as well Mittsy, you have reminded me that if I get to work right now, there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow of a day you have provided!

london England, United Kingdom

Hang on a minute...... just putting my sunglasses on to view Sue's arrangement! COLOURS of the RAINBOW!

Hey Sue, I thought you said it was winter over there in Australia? colour like that in winter can't be bad!!
Love the vibrant colours and the use of textures. Thanks for bringing that one in today.
Adele, lovely Grannys bonnets!
Mittsy, Your views are amaising, lucky you and thanks for sharing them with us! Glad you liked the watering cans... looking forward to seeing yours!!
Candee, Thanks for saying the containers I use are unique! It makes a nice change from hearing my kids calling everything junk!! Love the way we share ideas and creations here on cut flowers! They bounce off each other.
Back later, maybe with a pot of gold!!

Hi to all the lurkers !

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Terri - I have to laugh at your "Hi" to the lurkers - of which I have to admit that I am one. But I will come out of the shadows. I have enjoyed looking at all the photos from all the different corners of the world, and learning a bit about each of you. I don't have anything in a teapot, but here is a bit of spring color picked from my garden earlier this year to reminisce on while we are sweltering in summer heat.. Thalia daffodils, freesias, calla, forsythia. Not exactly a pot of gold, but I do like the yellows and whites. Dianne, aka soilsandup

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

That looks like 3 pots of gold to me Dianne - Thanks for sharing your florals with us. Each one we see - like has been said before- is a learning experience and opens the door to new ideas.
I have to take a pic I believe for Sue of the one container I use that gives a 3 tier effect and now that I see your containers I think a grouping of 3 containers that are alike with different arrangements in each at different levels would be really neat. Will have to try that.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Dianne and Welcome to the flowerpot cafe!
Yay, love it when lurkers come in LOL!! Thanks so much for bringing in your lovely arrangement of yellows and whites. Like Candee said, 3 pots of gold! I like the 3's idea too.
First drink is on the house, Cheers!

Catch up with everyone tomorrow!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Humansville, MO

have one for me
it a big 65 tomorro

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Happy Birthday, elle.

Beautiful yellow roses. Have to try that group of three in some stemmed ware!

Welcome Diane, wonderful freesias.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Happy birthday Elle! Another Gemini, welcome to the club! Hi Diane, loved your spring flowers, only another couple of months and we will be seeing spring too!
Hi Terri, luckily Bromeliad flowers come all year around, and Aloes flower from autumn to spring. Hi Candee, are you suggesting a new theme, ie; Threesome?. Hi Adele, I love Grannies bonnets, Cant grow them here though, I tried once! Mittsy, I loved your rainbow! I haven't seen one in ages.
I worked really hard today I can tell you! I've just had a soak in a hot bath with epsom salts, or I know I'd have trouble getting started in the morning.
I have a sh&%load of homework to do, all due next Tuesday, and am finding it hard to get it done. (very time consuming) and before you all say "get off the computer and do your homework", I did 2 hours tonight and last night too! I gotta have a break sometime.
So if I'm not around over the next couple of nights, you'll know why!
Dracaena fragrans

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Happy Birthday, Elle!!
Pretty arrangement, Diane
Thanks for the drink,Terri

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Happy birthday Elle, this helleborus lenten rose is for you cause it had you name on it - Or rather I mean has your name in it!
Hope everyone is having a great morning. As for me it has been in the 70's here this week and exactly the kind of weather I could take year round. Wish I had taken the week off work as I seem to have spent most of it inside. Darn it!
Sue, no new theme from me, still waiting for more additions to the "Twins Theme". It sounds so odd hearing that you are looking forward to spring in a few months and in a few months I will be closing up the gardens here likely talking of taking in the dahlia tubers.
Thanks to Terri for correcting me - it is Karma who wants to see my tiered brass container. Will try to remember to get a photo of that later today.
We are headed to the cabin tomorrow, first got to pick up that mower we had fixed which just about cost the entire "stimulus check" we received last week. I'll be busy cutting grass as it has been 2 weeks since we were up there, but least that keeps me out of trouble.

Have a great day everyone

Thumbnail by haighr
Humansville, MO

thank all for the brithday wish and flower they made my day
it work day for me but i finely got on to 2pm to 10 pm
i hope all have a bless day

london England, United Kingdom

Happy Birthday to you Elle!
Have a good time. Hope you like your cake, it's here for you after work!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh my goodness Terri, she is gonna be floored when she sees that delicious concoction! How lovely.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi all,
Sue, do you have a Birthday coming up soon? Good luck getting your work done by Tuesday, then you will feel good thats it's all over!! Lovely unusual flower you have there, thanks!
Candee, You are so clever .. hELLEeborus hahaha!
Sorry darling! I didn't meant to correct you. I just thought you were having one of those blonde moments you admit to having sometimes LOL!! I always miss you when you go to the cabin. I'm going to try to do the twins theme, I promise!!

Happy Birthday to you Elle!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Candee, I didn't see your last post before mine! I type very s l o w Lol!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Beautiful cake, and so low calorie. Just wonderful!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I don't mind a bit Ms. Terri, I have lots of blonde moments some are really bad! Sometimes I can't recall what I am doing while I am doing it! Now that's bad. I can't stay awake till Elle comes so will have my piece of her cake for breakfast tomorrow morn. I love cake in the morning and cookies or ice cream in the eve, all with my wine of course!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Dumped the valerian out of this added new gypsophilia and a stalk of acanthus.

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oops, did it again, see what I mean, I meant to post the 3 tier brass little vase for Karma.

Thumbnail by haighr
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Mittsy, Thank you, Low calorie haha!
Hi candee, lovely fresh arrangement. I'm still here lurking when I should be asleep by now!
I just hope there's a slice or two left for us in the morning!!!!!

Goodnight all.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Nice Cake Terri. I had a birthday at the beginning of the week. Not nearly as important as 65! I can't wait till Elle sees your creation!
Love all the arrangements starting to flow again! Keep em coming. Have a nice time at your cabin Candee, and make sure you put the brake on on the mower! (or was that the trailor, or was that some one entirely different?) You think you're confused?
More Broms

Thumbnail by weed_woman

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