The FLOWERPOT Cafe' X - Join us for a cup of Flowers!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hey Traci.. Glad to see you and Teensy. Been there done that and it was ugly, so know what ya goign through and sometimes ya do gotta go in a rabbit hole for abit to find yourself and your direction again.

Don't worry once ya get through the hurt, anger, and tears then you wil get a mad on and be able to bounce back. All things take time.

beautiful floer beds. Wish I could lay down in one. Terri.. Send some rain. Over amonth now with none. watering twice a day and still things are just burning up.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Traci, that is a precious picture of Teensy. I'm glad I stopped in today. It's good to hear from you.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Speeding through again. Loaded up the truck with my FIRST load of plants. I have just finished planting my mom's. Over 50 here. Now off to my brother's, Dad's, grandmother's and a friends. Remember,this is the FIRST load. At least two more to go!! Thanks for all the kind words everyone. I can't wait to get back on here regularly.

Love the chairs and bed, Terri. I have missed you girlfriend!!

Star, you are right, as I am getting to the extremely mad stage and life is easier. Who would have thunk it? Can you BELIEVE the rain situation has already started? Atleast I am moving my stuff to Northwest Alabama and they get a lot more rain than Birmingham.

Karma, thanks, I have missed you much.

Mittsy, I love you and I hope you know this.

My overwintered Hibiscus....

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Traci it is great to have you return, we did miss you and Teensy. She is adorable and will be by your side long after the hurt and anger of your situation has subsided. I have been there as well and must tell you that no matter what is going on right now and although you don't know what it is, there is a much better future of love, happiness and joy awaiting you and Teensy and you will get there one day I assure you both.
Gotta just kick back, get the job done right now and then "chillax" in those love chairs!
So happy that you will have your lovely gardens by your side as well, see things are a bit brighter already, look at that marvelous hibiscus smiling at you.
Star, have the rains come your way yet, they are expected here tonight, it has been 98+ for several days and will likely get severe storms so when I get home today must make sure things are staked well.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Nope not a drop of water. Losing plants left and right to the heat. been in the 88 at night so the plants don't even get a chance to cool off. Doign everythign I cna to mainly keep the veggies going.

Especially with no mater sin the stores and afraid to buy any, glad I got my crop going.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Star, we're supposed to get rain, which I've seen throughout the city, but it seems the rain clouds move away as soon as it gets too close to my house. I'm sorry about your plants. Most of mine are in pots so I can move them under the patio cover. So far, I've only lost a fuschia (which was inevitable). My other two fuschias are hanging on for dear life.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Sure wish I could send you some of our rain Standing puddles just means more mosquitoes.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear you are so dried up karma and star. I am kinda with mittsy on this one, more skeeters than I have seen in a while and the humidity is almost suffocating at times. Were supposed to get some relief this weekend, but think that has changed to being just in the 90's and humid as all get out!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!

Star, Hope you get some rain, feel sorry for your flowers and veggies especially with all the hard work you put in to get them growing well. I'll do a rain dance for ya Lol!! Thanks on the flower bed.

Karma, Nice to see you at the cafe! Sorry to hear about your Fuschias.

Traci, Glad to hear you are moving your plants with you, sounds like you have quite a few! Your Hibiscus is gorgeous! they are one of my favourite tropical flowers. Thank you for bringing it in the cafe. Pleased to hear you liked the chairs and bed. Good luck with the rest of the move.

Candee, Karma and Star are not dried up! Only the plants are LoL!! We have had loads of flying ants this year..horrible critters!!

So pleased I have a day off work tomorrow, missed you all! Sue, safe journey home!

The most exciting thing happened the other day! Has anyone heard of the TELECTROSCOPE?
It is an art installation which looks like a tunnel. It is situated in London by the Thames river. The other end of the tunnel is in New York! I had the pleasure of 'meeting' Adele (diggerette) the other day. We waved a flower to each other and jumped up and down like kids in a sweet shop, it was really fun! I took our yellow teapot from the cafe and waved that too!! It's the most fun I've had for ages. I don't think I've stopped smiling yet! I can't even remember what New York looked like in the background, just Adele with a fabulous smile!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

The tunnel this end is by Tower Bridge.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Mittsy, sorry missed you there, Hope you are not getting bites with all the mosquitoes about.
Hi Elle, have you got any peonies left to share? and how are your veggies doing?
Have a good evening all, night night!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Never heard of that tunnel Terri, but good to know it exists and you got to holler at Adele. Good idea using that bright yellow teapot as that color is so vibrant you couldn't miss it. Be sure to use it if they ever get a further connection to Sydney so you can say hi to Sue.

Temps broke a bit here today and now just in the 80's. Won't be around much the next few days, I am off work tomorrow, but am babysitting my sweet Abygail and perhaps Tara's children. Tasha will be here until Sunday with her so will be able to get lots of photos and hugs.

Have a great day,

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee,
It would be great to see all the cafe crowd one day! Like one of those meetings DGers arrange in America.
Have a lovely time with all the little ones you will be babysitting!
Have fun!

Humansville, MO

it been wet here
put veg in
but it might be too wet
we had 3"
and suppose to get another 3 tonight or fri
here what i frond in the front yard

Thumbnail by ellesgh
london England, United Kingdom

Hi elle,
Lovely rose! gorgeous colour, Thank you!
Hope your veggies will be ok with all the rain. At least they will be well watered in!
Been nice here all week, it's just typical I have a day off and it's raining!!
I was going to plant my sunflowers in the ground today, but don't like the weather.
I guess it's perfect for housework.................urgh,hate it! better get on with all the jobs I have been ignoring for a while LOL!
Have a good day!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi All!
It was so fantastic to meet Terri. I wish I could meet all of you and wave hello.
Happy Gardening!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hey Elle,
not only is that lovely, but I must comment that there isn't one bug bite out of a single leaf, how do you manage that? I have to spray my one rose bush constantly or there are not leaves at all. We actually had to replant our veggie seeds as the first were taken with all the rains. I had to do the same with my zinnia and only thanks to Mittsy will I have any at all - she was so generous to share her seeds with me after losing all of mine. I am planning on putting a few more in this weekend as I am being more cautious since they were a gift and I want to be sure to have some zinnia in the garden as they are my favorite cut flowers for arrangements.
Did I mention I have loads of pink gypsophilia coming into bloom but the white has yet to produce much even in the way of buds.
Adele, glad as well that you were able to meet, must have been a real "hoot n holler"

Humansville, MO

we got back up tomotes in green house
we got flower i waiting to plant after all the rain gone

london England, United Kingdom

Hey Adele....... keep smiling!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Humansville, MO

o how i love your tea pot
where did you get it

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks elle, I saw the little one in a charity shop window yesterday, I couldn't resist it! A bargain for £1.00.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Just dropping off a fresh pot of Chive blossom tea. You've gotta work with what you've got. Enjoy!

Thumbnail by mittsy
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Mittsy!
BeauTEAful!! Love it, especially the spout, so creative! The contrast in texture is very exciting too! nice combinations.
Thank you, I'm sure your Chive blossom tea will be a big hit on the menu. It's so gorgeous!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Just looked up telectroscope. . .what a cool concept. So the two of you had to meet at the same time? Neat. Can web cams be used internationally? That would be cool to have. Terri, cute teapot. Yours too mittsy! Is that some kind of sedum at the base? I like the rubber band thing too.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Yes it's a sedum that I want to move so thought I'd try rooting a few stems in willow water. The allium had gone to seed pods and I thought it looked interesting.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I'm back. Just dropping in quickly, (better close the door to keep out the rain) I had a great time and there will be a link to some photos when I get organised.
I'm glad Traci's been back, and the Tunnel meeting with Terri and Adele sounds like a hoot. I hope they connect one here!
Hi to all and it's so good to be back home and having all my vices at hand LOL.

london England, United Kingdom

HELLO Sue, Welcome back! missed you, can't wait to hear your adventures.
Gotta dash, work calls. see you later.

skipping like skippy to hear you are back safe and sound as ever!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!
Yes we arranged to meet at the same time. 11am for Adele and 4pm for me. There was quite a wait this end, I was worried I would miss Adele, but she was a bit late also and waved to strangers until I got my turn!! I was waving a bright orange Gerbera and she spotted me straight away. It was great fun!
Sue, How was the trip? Did Hubby win any races? ok enough with the questions........ I'll let you unpack first LOL!!

Went on a trip today with some students to a Museum. The gardens were lovely, we sat outside for a picnic lunch.
The rooftop was living grass!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Huge stone sculpture.

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london England, United Kingdom

Lovely trees and shrubs!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

A friend for elles goat!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

We had lunch with a view!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Oh and we saw some Art!

Yay..... It's Friday! Have a good weekend all.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hooray! It's friday!!
Nice trip, Terri! That's a very pretty place to spend the school day. Good for you.
I'm very excited,my potato plants are flowering! Potatoes are soon to follow.

Thumbnail by diggerette
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, nice view! Have a good weekend.

Adele, were those the blue potatoes? Pretty flowers.

Humansville, MO

oo i love your picture for me
we are on our way to the auction
for more baby chick for the one we got
his or her name is pee wee

Thumbnail by ellesgh
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi all, oh Elle that is soooooo cute! Do you have hens already?
Hi Terri. I'm unpacked now and about to start the Tassie trip thread tonight. DH did not win any races, but came 5th overall in one class and about 11th in another (there were 30 in each race) The bike he spent 5 weeks working on packed it in on the first day! He only got to ride it for half a lap! (he was a bit cranky)
I love the pics at the museum. Was it an art museum or some other kind?
Hi Adele, I must go back and answer your Dmail!
Hi Karma, how are you?
off to make a new thread. I will post the link soon.
me on the Ferry to Tasmania (I found the computers)

Thumbnail by weed_woman
london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!
Adele, your potato plants look very healthy, love homegrown veggies! I'm going to check for flowers on mine tomorrow. What else are you growing to eat?

Karma, It was nice to get out of the workshop for the day. Love the end of the academic year, we get to go on lots of trips! Hope you are having a nice weekend with the family.

Elle, that little chick Pee wee is so sweet! Did you have a good day at the auction?

Sue, Nice to see you on the ferry chillaxing with a beer! How long was the ferry ride? Good you had a computer on board to use. Glad to hear Hubby is not ingured!! such a dangerous sport. Shame about the bike, he did well then to finish the races.
The Horiman Museum has all sorts of excitng stuff going on, not just Art. It was the craft workshop class I went with, they have been making masks, so we went to see masks made from around the world. It was really interesting to see what materials were used.
Looking forward to seeing your adventures on your new thread!

I liked what Mittsy said the other day, 'You've gotta work with what you've got'
Here's our new teapot, filled with what I've got!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

These little pots came with the teapot!
Rose of sharron and feverfew are flowering here.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Sunshine tea!

Thumbnail by terriculture

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