The FLOWERPOT Cafe' X - Join us for a cup of Flowers!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Made a fresh pot to greet Terri back from the show and Traci who has had a very long day and needs a drop of tea or decaf! Pull up a chair and grab a cup.

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Traci hoping all went well with you today, we are thinkin gof you. Terri, thanks for all the show photos and welcome back.

Thumbnail by haighr
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee,
What a beautiful welcome back! Hey I only had a day out!!!!!!! You are so kind and thoughful, love the pink and grey combination. Your flowers are gorgeous... from the garden? I really appreciate your lovely arrangement.
Thank you ! nice to be back........ better go out more often if I'm going to get such special treatment on my return. LoL!!

It's just what this cafe needs, some fresh flowers everyday!

Catch up tomorrow with all the news......... Heard from Traci have we? GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD at last.!!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Mittsy said that yesterday was the day, you know?
You are so welcome, yes from my gardens, finally a rhododendrum and some azalea and bridal wreath and stock.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Did not get a call from Traci last night. Hope she'll call today.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Tell her we are all thinking of her.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Leaving for the cabin - enjoy some orange pekoe while I am gone. See you soon.

Thumbnail by haighr
london England, United Kingdom

Thank you candee. Have a nice weekend!
I am off work for a week so I'm going to visit my Mum and Dad in Liverpool. They don't have a computer, I will miss you all, Have fun while I'm gone.

How about these Broms for the cafe?

Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Ohhhhhhhhh! Don't they look beautiful!
Thanks candee for the new opening hours in the cafe! Have a nice time at your cabin. I love the flowers!
Will miss you when your gone Terri, and next week i am off for a couple of weeks. i may get to a computer once or twice, in which case I will drop in.
Hope all is well with Traci. The cafe has been way too quiet of late!

Humansville, MO

hey wait
here my center pices

Thumbnail by ellesgh
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Such lovely perky fresh blooms around the cafe. Makes aperson wanna pull up a chair and just sit and admire the beauty. Lovely work all. : )

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh Elle those are lucious pinks. Peonies???
Wow everyone on vacation already, have a great visit Terri and Sue you have several weeks, where are you headed if you don't mind my asking?

Humansville, MO

yes they are pink peonies
we got about 6 plant they are all pink
and they are all blooming now
here some more

Thumbnail by ellesgh
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Very pretty elles, so nice and green, have you been getting lots of rain as well?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Allium, flowering onion.

Thumbnail by haighr
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Nice pics Elle. Hi Star, Hey Candee.
I'm heading south to Tasmania. We're driving the first 1600km, then getting on a ferry for the 11 hour trip accross the strait. Hubby is racing vintage motorcross there for four days, and I will visit my brother, (whom I have not seen since 2000) while we are there, then we do it all in reverse, with a stop to see my Daughter for her 21st.
Tasmania is very cold at this time of year, and I just returned from a shopping trip where I bought a jacket and some long sleeved shirts! If I don't get them too worn or dirty, I might donate them to my daughter, as its cold where she lives too.
My teacher in horticulture gave me an assignment to do, on microclimates and plant species, in the areas I visit. If I produce and present a document on it when I get back, I will pass the assessments they are doing while I'm absent. I will be missing out on a visit to a resort garden while I'm gone, but who knows, one day I might get there as a paying customer, and anyway, home is like a resort (but I'm the hired help) LOL
So I'll stick around until Saturday night, and if i can get to a computer while I'm away, I will drop in with some photos. (I also bought a 1 gig memory card, holds 1000 photos!)
Keep up the flowers while Terri's away! I can't do much to help from here as I'm swamped with getting organised (says she as she begins an hours marathon wading through the forums!)
It feels strange without her already!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Very cheerful photo Sue, where was it taken? Reminds me of some of the markets in the Caribbean.
Sounds like you have a busy few weeks ahead of you. I did have to LOL at your "hired help" comment. We feel the same about our place, it is a retreat for us, but only due to our helpful hands keeping busy.
So nice for you to get to do so much visiting with family in your travels. 11 hours on a ferry though? Whatever do you do, read a book or just gaze out over the water?
Will see you soon,

Humansville, MO

yes it rain about 3 day out of 7
it about time to cut yard again
hope it get dry
to plan
every thing in greenhouse need planing
sorry about spelling

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

spelling least of my concerns Elle. I know what you mean just too wet. I have harvested my own zinnia seeds for about 7 years and had quite a variety. I planted all of them, every seed and we got rain for days on end after they sprouted and now I cannot find a single sign of even one? I hate to think of purchasing seed after all those years of nuturing what I sowed. Oh well, guess if I want zinnias etc for cutting will have to go buy some.

Humansville, MO

sorry to hear that
we got 2 day of sun and then 2 day of rain
hope to plant in the 2 day of sun

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Wow weed woman.... Wish I could go with ya. Been a long long time ago back when I was young and wild. LOL I had met in New York someone that was from Tasmania. They was telling me all about the beauty of their country. Don't rememebr all what they said, but must have been somethign that I still rememebre the encounter after 25 years.

Elle.. I have soem of the worst typing on Daves. Can't spell have the time, part the time the keys stick, ( gotta uit eatign over the keyboard) and when it comes to typing my fingers are dyslexic, so don't orry about no spelling. You do real good compared to me. : )

Haighr.. your may have flooded out , but mine got fried out. We both in bad shape. : (

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi you lot.
Candee, The market stall is mine from last weekend. I had the half with plants and my friend had second-hand clothes, shoes and fabric things she made. The ferry to Tasmania leaves at 8pm, and gets there at 7am so I hope to be sleeping for most of it. According to my brother, the chairs are like airline chairs, but squeezier, so he suggests going up to deck 10 and sleeping on a day lounge? I'm guessing like a pool lounger or something. He would know, having travelled accross a few times.
Spelling? HA! I too have those fat fingers, and dislexic fingers and sometimes just don't know how to spell, but I read and re-read my post, retype, delete ask Hubby for spelling, or open another tab and google it, all to further my education and typing skills! LOL
Thats why DG is so time consuming for me!
4 more sleeps to go!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sue, remember to take a little pillow with you, those chaise can be uncomfortable sometimes w/o. Your market stall is quite inviting, hope you did well with sales. Sounds like you are getting real excited, bet you come back with lots of photos and stories as well.
We dodged a bullet this weekend at the cabin. Our riding mower was not working so we loaded it on the trailer. Sat. morn Steve went to get bait and I asked if he needed help with the trailer and suggested blocking the wheels. While he was gone I heard something in the drive and looked out the door and saw nothing so went back to making breakfst. He returned and we went out on the porch to eat breakfast and I noticed the trailer sitting down by the fireplace at the pond on the trailer and asked why in the world he put it there, well his jaw dropped a foot. He had not blocked the wheel and but for the fireplace on the bank if that wheel had turned another inch in any direction the trailer and mower would be in the pond right now. Somebody was watching out for us, as the pond is a couple acres and is banked on all sides of course and the only obstacle is that little concrete block fireplace that is just about 3'x3'. Whew! he sure learned that lesson.
So nuf rambling about near collisions here, have a great day and enjoy your trip.

Star, so sorry to hear you got fried. Just seems like the seasons aren't what they used to be and you
Elle, you check the forecast before you put your precious seedlings out there, especially since you have an entire greenhouse full.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Candee, whew, thank goodness for the fireplace hey? I get scared mowing around our little dam incase the thing should ever roll! I have nightmares about being trapped under it, so i go very slow and careful when i'm in the area.
Yes, getting excited! Its raining a bit so I've had a bit of time off today, allowing me to get the housework done and the bed made for the house sitter.
I've plans to atke all bedding along with us, as it's going to be cold, and I'd rather have too much than not enough!
Flowers for today are red hot pokers. I read that if you want to use yhem in Flower arrangements, they need to be cut and rolled in newspaper, before being placed in the fridge, to keep the stems straight! I might have a go if i can bring myself to cut them!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Impressive pokers!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sue, you continue to be careful on the mower, I do more push mowing than necessary just for that reason, would rather walk the banks than roll over on them!

Love your pokers, I don't have any of those and have never heard of the newspaper fridge thing? Wondering how that helps anything? Why the fridge, oh to save them until placing in an arrangement? I forget you guys are professionals, I just cut the flowers and put in a vase I never have any just lying around waiting for me to get some inspiration LOL!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

PfffhHHHfff! Professional! Ha!
I've read one book! (not even cover to cover) And the rest has just been playing.
I'm a bit stressed now that its getting closer to leaving on holiday! I hope I've made the plants all comfortable, and I hope the dogs are ok and don't get stressed cause I'm not here, (and eat my bromeliads).
All I need to do tomorrow is get about 4 loads of washing on, and change the bed so its ready when we come home in 2 weeks, and wouldn't you know it? It keeps raining! I don't have a clothes dryer either, so hopefully there will be a stiff breeze blowing.
DH has gone to get pizza and wine and icecream! MMmmmmm. He knows how to get me relaxed! I think I'll go and have a shower and try to Chillax a bit before he gets back.
My shoulders and neck are soooo tight (could be because I shovelled a cubic metre of tea tree mulch)
I might not be on tomorrow, depending how much i get organised, so if not, I will say see ya now, and catch up with you when I get back (unless i can get computer access somewhere on the way.
Take care and happy gardening.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Well you just have the best time of your life. Wow, pizza, wine and ice cream, think I'll have that for dinner myself tonight! Well at least the wine LOL!
Will see you soon and when I do I have started a new arrangement theme.

Here's the link to "Twins"

This message was edited May 30, 2008 1:01 PM

Humansville, MO

well we planted 30 tomtoes plant today
dave will plant 30 egg plant
30 pepper
and the left of the veg

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

You have been busy elle. Do you sell the veggies or put them all up for your family? Steve going out today for more zucchini seed as ours washed away and itis pouring again today.

Humansville, MO

it just for us this year
went we have a good year i can a lot

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I bet you do can a lot especially with a greenhouse.
I have been being very creative lately and am into making a fairy garden, ever heard of this?

Here is the link on DG

I am making it out of corkscrew willow and Harry Lauder walking stick.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!
Nice to see fresh flowers in here and the cafe still open!

I had a nice little break at my Mums, stayed a bit longer than I had intended, but enjoyed getting out of London for a while.
Elle, Your Peonies are lovely! Thanks for bringing those in. Sounds like you have been really busy with your planting.

Sue, Your stall looks great! Enjoy your holiday in Tasmania (keep warm)! don't foget to call in if you can!

Candee, Wow, that was close with the trailor ! Oh good a new theme... I was just with my Mum and Auntie Josie (twins) on their Birthdays.... funny!! how strange is that to come back to a twins theme?!!
I would like to see your fairy garden, please! sounds like fun to make.

Star, Nice to see you here, hope your garden isn't spoilt with the weather.
I noticed that the spellings of certain words are different in America, I always wondered why that was!!! like... colour/color neighbour/neighbor.

Mittsy, Hi! Have you heard anything from Traci recently? Please tell her I'm thinking of her and miss her loads!!

Well, It's been heavy rain today, thought I'd cut this lovely rose before it falls to the ground, and use it for a fresh pot!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Wow, fresh pot in the cafe already, likely before you even got the wash done LOL! Lovely red, good you saved it from a wash out.
Here is a link to the fairy garden progress:
And I also painted a picture for our patio over the weekend, been meaning to do so for 2 years and finally got around to it. Don't laugh too much, it looks like a big green pickle on fire LOL!

Isn't that odd about the twin theme on your return, you would think I had esp or something?

Still no word from Traci? Sure hope all is well with her and she has just been too busy.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Sheepishly opening the door to the cafe'. May I come in? Please tell me I haven't been banned yet!?!

First off, thank you everyone for keeping me in your thoughts. You don't know how much it means (how could you as I was MIA). The short version....Had final hearing and meet with the judge on the 12th to find out the verdict. I am a wreck, but doing the best I can. Life has not been easy lately, so I went into my rabbit hole for a bit. Hopefully I have jumped out. I still won't be able to contribute much as I gave him the house so I could move home and will have 30 days to work, pack and move after the 12th.

I am sincerely sorry for the disappearance. I will do my best to keep up from now on.

I am off to bed, but thought I would give you a lovely picture of Teensy taken this weekend while playing in the pool.

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Ok, and a flower as well....these are covering my front beds, along with a riot of other various flowers.

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Tracie, Good to have you back. Teensi looks adorable. Take it one day at a time. You'll get through this, I wish I could be with you to help dig out some pretties for their new home. God bless, keeping you in my prayers.

london England, United Kingdom

Banned? ..never! Welcome back Darling Traci, so good to hear from you again.
Teensy looks well, and her hair has grown!
Thanks for the flower, it has brightened up my day for sure finding you in the cafe!

Candee, Yes, how did you guess? I didn't put a wash on first when I got home LoL!!
Hi Mittsy and everyone else! Sue in Tazmania, hope you are having a great time!

It's raining again here, had a busy week back at work and I'm looking forward to chillaxing this weekend. Hope to get a few new items on the menu soon. I still haven't caught up with all the other threads yet.

Great to see you Traci!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Just to make you feel at home, Traci and Teensy, some new matching flower chairs for you!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

If Teensy gets sleepy, you can push them together and she can have a flower bed!

Thumbnail by terriculture

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