Some thoughts from a first year gardener

Marlborough, MA(Zone 5b)

I have made several purchases of daylilies, plants and other garden products this year. Not as many as some of you more expereinced folks. But is has been interesting to observe how each transaction was handled and how the customer (myself) was treated.
I will say that all of the seven purchases that I made was based on the presented material on their web site and not from previous experence or suggestion.
In all cases by either winning bid or outright purchase, payment was made quickly. Of these, 4 arrived in short order, 2 took awhile longer and 1 I am still waiting for.
Three were made from large mail order commerical nurseries.
These would be;
Great Garden Plants
Van Bourgondien (Blooms @ Dutchbulbs)
Hirts Seeds
In two of these cases the received material was damaged and not up to the expected standards.
In both of these, little or no response was received to my informing them of the problem. This in spite of their glowing garantees.
In all my dealings with these companies I have been left with the feeling that a customer is more of a bother then an need.
While on the other hand the remaining four purchases were from people whose livelyhood depends on their product.
They were;
Marietta Gardens - John Shooter
Sugercamp Farms
Slightly Different Nursery
Rinkland Daylilies
Each of these purchases were handled in a professional, friendly manner. There plants were large if not huge, very healthy and showed that they placed a personnal pride in what they sold. I also almost ran out of room for the "gift planets" that were included. John Shooter gave me one that listed for $50.00 on his web site. In each case I not only was satisifed with my purchase but enjoyed the interaction with the owners.
Was do I take away from this? Well perhaps I've learned that dealing with people who care about their products and customers, more then makes up for any price difference.
I don't know what experence other people have had in these areas but I have learned alot.
"People who care about their gardens, care about other people"
Thanks, Chuck

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I don't order anything until I check the DGGardenWatchdog.
Befor you joined there was a long thread rant about VanBourgundien. They are just awful.
The company was taken over by the kids who don't know what they are doing.
I also have had bad dealings with White Flower Farm mail order, appearantly if you can go there yourself and choose what you want they have great plants. Not what they send in th mail.
I don't know the other mail order nurserys you mentioned but whenever you are in doubt. Go to "products and sources" and choose Garden Watchdog to se how your prespective MO Nursery is rated.
You can also leave feedback for nurseries to ward off or recomend one that was great to you.

"People who care about their gardens, care about other people"

What you do and think, is what you do and what you think.

I am just a little teeny weenie Ma and Pa seller basically with veggies. People buy and my mind says "God I hope that tomato, pepper or cuke plant does good". "I want them to come back next year".

I sell all my veggies for $2.00. Here is an example where I probably care to much. I have cukes in single 3" pots for $2.00 or you can buy the same in a six pack for $2.00. People was buying Sunday and I gave them the individule 3" for 1.00. They spent some money and I just felt like I had to make things better. Hopefully for them and for myself. Why? Because I care, not as a seller but also as a buyer.

This whole situation with growing and selling is not just about ME. It is about my buyers, family and friends. Oh and that little plant I grew. Hope I did not go overboard on this subject.


This message was edited May 22, 2008 1:55 PM

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Not at all Sherrie, I think you said it 'just right'! ☺

Marlborough, MA(Zone 5b)

Sherrie, just a quick story.
I was working part time in a Walgreens and an elderly women wanted to buy a watch for her husband's birthday. I spent about 15 minutes with her, showing her watchs and answering questions she asked me. At the end of this time she thanked me and said she would think about it.
The manager came over to me and asked if the women bought anything?
I said no.
The manager then chewed on me for awhile about spending too much time on a customer with no results.
About tem minutes later the same lady came back into the store, would only deal with me, and bought 3 watchs, one for her husband and one each for her two sons. She thanked me for everything I had done for her.
The manager never said another word to me.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

I love that adage, Chuck.
Indeed, 'you grow what you sow', and I think that a lot of major and not-so-major companies will be realizing that as our money gets tighter and tighter. And I don't mean just our money as gardeners. I mean everyone's money.

The companies who employ people like yourself and Sherrie will be coming out ahead in the long run. Those in the 'ivory towers' will begin to feel a little cold.

Good subject on which to post.

Jenkintown, PA

schickenlady - Hi - New to gardening, new to Dave's garden...just read your post - as a new gardener I can tell you that when my plants fail I usually assume it was not the fault of the vendor - my own fault or bad luck with the weather - the only plant vendor I ever gave up on our local Whole Foods - all of the plants I bought there were awful...I try a spot at least three times before I give up - and if the prices are as good as yours - I'll hang in even longer - and if I get into a friendly relationship with business owner - and I learn a thing or two about my passion for gardening...I am loyal for life!

Good luck - nice guys may finish last initially but not for long...I wish the scales would tip and small businesses would be more prevalent - I think with oil prices doing what they are doing we may see a return of the dominance of local businesses....pray for it!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I think your right. Our big food chain Wegmans buys from local farmers whatever produce is in season.
We all benefit from supporting our own merchants.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Welcome to the garden, post-oil-living.
I agree with you, and I sure hope you are right!!!

Marlborough, MA(Zone 5b)

Welcome, welcome,welcome.
DG's is one place they love ya like family. You'll learn more here then you could guess.
I've picked up so many ideas from all these vet's of gardening.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I have to agree. I never would have undertaken the shade garden if it hadn't been my competetive nature and seeing the beautiful plots some of the DG'er maintain.
Gardening at this pace will keep me from going nuts.
Thanks everybody and welcome postoil living, love the handle.

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

As you garden, you will gain experience with various vendors. There are some places where I will buy plants. My local Stop and Shop supermarket usually has a great perennial sale. They get the plants from some good nursery and they have been great over the past few years. The floral/garden manager Gene is great to work with. He has great ties to the neighborhood and is genuinely helpful. Other stores, I wouldn't touch their stuff with a ten foot pole. Kmart has seriously gone downhill. They used to put up a couple of garage sized tents to house their vegetable and annual and herb plants. kept them out of the nastier spring weather. YOu could get nice six packs of plants for a great price. Now, they just stick em outside on tables where they might get watered or not and nobody cares about them very much. I have favorite garden centers too where I might find the more unusual stuff. Costco is about 50/50. some of their stuff has done very well, and others, eh!
But I don't blame all my failures on the vendors. I am responsible for many of them.

Jenkintown, PA

Stop n Shop!! I love it - I have family on the Cape that we visit annually (like a nice flower) so Stop and Shopmakes me think about good times and ocean air!

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