Advice needed: how to care for potted 2 inch blue spruces

Califon, NJ

12 1 to 2 inch blue spruce seedlings were donated to our university greenhouse by the 3 year oldvchildren who had started them. What kind of care is needed to keep the trees healthy and growing? Is it even possible in a greenhouse in NJ? Thanks for any advice you can offer on information or sourses of information. Epan

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

You have one of the finest horticultural institutions on the east coast at Rutgers University. I'd solicit information through them (and the affiliated Cooperative Extension Service) for perfect practices for NJ.

rhinelander, WI(Zone 4a)

they could be planted as landscape trees by the university grounds crew.
the trees could be watered if there is drought.

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