Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?

Piedmont, AL(Zone 7b)

I know you Georgia folks know all about squirrels so I hope you enjoy this.....hope so anyways.....’s_Coming_To_Dinner.html

Paul from Alabama

Canton, GA(Zone 7b)

Too cute! I think squirrels are great, even if they drive others crazy. I may be singing a different tune after they've messed with all my newly planted pots!

Piedmont, AL(Zone 7b)

deanna....A small price to pay to get to watch their antics......but you can use hardware cloth or something similar right around whatever you got planted in the pot and they won't try to dig into it....or that approach worked for me......

Paul from Alabama

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

We don't call them squirrels here at my house but I can't mention what we do call them for fear of getting thrown off of here. My grandkids love to watch them steal bird food from the feeders.

Piedmont, AL(Zone 7b)

Georgiareclay....My dear mother who never cusses, and I mean NEVER cusses.....will spew out invectives against squirrels what would shock a sailor.......:)
and there's this little kid who lives next door who comes over and sits with me here on the back porch while I'm fooling around on the computer and we watch them goofy squirrels together....One aside on all this, I tell you who rules the roost around here though, Blue Jays, they seem to call the shots even for the squirrels.....and when there's flock of them stop by for brunch here at my feeders, you'd think there wasn't another kind of bird cause everybody else sceedaddles......:)

Paul from Alabama

Canton, GA(Zone 7b)

I've noticed that while the squirrels and chipmunks cause a little trouble round here... it's the raccoons that do the damage! I didn't even know they came into the city where I live, but I guess so. I still like 'em anyways. :)

And I hear ya about the Blue Jays Paul! I heard the loudest ruckus outside this weekend and they were out there running everything else, even the squirrels, off! Too funny!
And thanks for the tip. I'll try that if I have any problems!

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