Stono was right about the Bougainvillea

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Looked like it died but it came to life a few days ago. Growing an inch a day.

Hopefully he's wrong about the not flowering part.

Thumbnail by CoreHHI
Johns Island, SC

I hope I'm wrong too, Core! But step aside from that thing---it just STARTS growing an inch a day! Then it really starts growing. Mine is over 7' now, but still no signs of flowering. But I've got some tiny olives forming on my 7yr old olive tree(Olivea europa), which in it's 2nd yr. in the ground. I'll take food over beauty anyday!

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

I thought about planting an olive tree but wasn't sure if they would grow here. I guess they do. I just like the looks of them but the kids love olives so maybe I'll get one next year. You have any pest problems or fungus type issues? I already have enough fruit trees that I need to keep an eye on, don't need anything else that would require work. LOL.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

The hybridizers/breeders of tropical hibiscus and plumeria have now decided that to get the best flowering one must use a fertilizer low in phosphorus and high in potasium. It seems the bloom buster ferts were actually inhibiting flowers. I am using an 18 10 28 and have managed to set some buds on my boug. Now if I can only remember to water the dang thing.

Johns Island, SC

Can't answer your question from experience, CoreHHI. Have never gotten Olive 1 off the tree after 7 years(potted, moved to GH in winter in the past, left out in the pot last year). But the tree still grows. And this year is loaded with flowers, and mutiple fruit. Some are getting bigger than than a pinhead! I left it out last winter (relatively protected spot), and it seems to not have minded, since it 's flowering profusely now. If I get any olives from this thing, I'll let you know. The Madden's (Pete's Herbs---where I got the thing) have had plants in the ground for better than 10 yrs---growing magnifcenty, but never flowered, never produced. Pete swears our humidity prevents them from producing. He's mighty sharp and knowlegable, but I'm hoping he's wrong. Haven't noticed a single pest yet... might be a worthwhile investment...

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Somebody way out on Saint Helena has an olive grove. I do not know if they have harvested any olives yet though. Have to check that one out and see what's up. I had a small tree that did produce but they never made it to full size and I am afraid I was a bad olive grower and let the tree die.

Stono, how did you make out with the storms that hit your area recently?

Johns Island, SC

Storms missed us completely ardesia. Weird weather...suspect we'd better get used to it though...

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