Have you ever arranged irises with hosta leaves?

Raleigh, NC

At Cooleys gardens last year, I was enchanted with their iris arrangement displays, many of which framed the blooms with hosta leaves of varying hues of green, blue, gold and white. Tried it at home and have had tons of compliments. Tried it with irises this year to rave reviews. Just seems like the hostas "framed" the stalks perfectly.

Found the best hostas are pricey and the cheap ones can be infected with HVX. Decided this year to try the hosta co-ops. My first order of Sissinghurst hostas arrived last week - they were twice as big as expected and have taken off like gangbusters!!!! :~) for Wmart prices, I've got hostas free of HVX. Yippee! Thought I'd share this with my fellow irisarians!

There's some great new choices in bareroots through Sissinghurst, and they need a few more sold by the 29th to get them.
So if anyone isn't out in the iris patch, it's the 3rd Sissinghurst co-op thread.

Lebanon, OR

Yes, I have and it is amazing!


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