Everyone ok after yesterday's storms??

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

We had no damage. It did hail and was windy but no damage.

The memory of our near tornado miss was still in Mrs Bronx's mind. so she shut all the windows and we had to sit on the coach. LOL. At least she gave me a drink!

The rain really helped the gardens though


Flowery Branch, GA

Only got 1/10 of an inch here. Grrrrrrr.

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)


We were all talking this morning about how some towns got dumped on and neighboring towns got squat


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I just had a call from Sunny (Hineni); their neighborhood was hit. She has no power, and a gas leak... plus an oak 180' partially down in her yard, leaning like a widow maker. They have the only house without a tree through the roof. Thankfully she and Joseph have no injuries other than her sprained ankle from sprinting from the house when the gas leak started. All their garden is gone. :(

She will get back on whenever power resumes, and that will be after they replace all the gas lines in her yard and neighborhood.

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Here in Dunwoody North (Atlanta) we had just severe rains. Managed to put all my pots in safety including the ones with young seedlings which I had just transplanted the day before! Almost forgot about them. They would have drowned in that enormous splashing rain! Hope every one else is ok too?
Darius-where is Hineni located? She can be thankful in spite of fact that gardens are gone- but she and husband are ok as well as the house.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Hineni lives in Woodstock.

Dahlonega, GA

we didn't get squat up here in dahlonega out of this one , but over last weekend,wind blew a 20 # pot off porch with a michilia alba , broke off tip. $80.00 three year old.probably needed tipping anyway. hope everyone in rest of storm area is safe. i can buy another plant easier than i hear someone got hurt . prayers,sally

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Let us know if she needs anything Darius


Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

We're OK here in Sandy Springs. I don't think we got as much rain as you, Tulip; my deck pot trays have no run off.

We'll go to Maypop tomorrow and see what's up there. I hope the roof was adequately tarped. Digger, your not far from me so hopefully we were spared up around Cleveland.

My goodness ... I've had my head in the sand on this one. We've had no rain at all, and I've been out of it with a summer cold. Haven't had the TV on. So sorry to hear about this. Prayers to everyone. Thanks Darius for letting us know about Sunny. Y'all stay safe.

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Howdy ya'll,

Thanks to Darius for giving everyone an update. We actually do have some roof damage, it just wasn't apparent until later in the day; however, considering most of our neighbor's homes, our damage is minimal. Other than 3 potted petunias, some marigolds and a few other things, most of my flowers are stripped or beaten bare, and our vegetable garden is probably a complete loss. Most of the berries were sucked right off the blueberry bushes (it is SO odd), and the rest of the 'babies' didn't fare much better.

But, we're good; tired but good. Ankle is feeling better although I've been on it most of the day hobbling around trying to make sense of the mounds of debris. I think that the weirdest thing is that the tornado sucked a CFL light right out of its base - yet didn't break it (yay! no hazmat needed)

Here are some photos of the damage at our place and a neighbor's home - photos are pretty big for insurance purposes, so if you're on dial-up, it might not be worth slowing your puter to a crawl over :)


Thanks for the thoughts and prayers - Maypop, I hope things are looking better for you too.


Hineni, I feel for you.
I really hope you can get that roof fixed ASAP, and that cleanup isn't too time consuming.
We were hit in March, and it amazed us at what came back. Even out from under feet of stump debris! So watch out for your babies to re-appear in the next few weeks if they were not sucked out of the ground. With all the trees on your property it really is a miracle more didn't fall.


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Here's a re-sized photo of Hineni's house... (one from the link she posted above)

Thumbnail by darius

Sunny ... glad to see you posting and that you're okay. Sorry about the damage, but so glad it wasn't any worse. I'm sending prayers to you and everyone up your way.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

we got a bit of hail and my carport is toast but other then that everyone is fine.

sometimes i hate wind and pine trees. just glad my car wasnt in it.

i live on the border of augusta ga and some parts got hail and rain and others nothing at all. crazy weather

This message was edited May 21, 2008 10:30 PM

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Glad to know you are ok Sunny.

If there is anything we can do to help replace your plants, please let us know.


Oh imzadi ... so sorry about the damage at your home, but glad it was only the carport and not the house. Hope you get the mess cleaned up quick. Were you at home during the storm? Prayers to you and folks over your way.
Hugs&blessings ... ~Susan

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Imzadi, so glad to hear that your car wasn't in that toasted carport! And carports are usually covered by insurance, so at least you are good there as well.

We rent, and the owner is out of state. It has been so difficult to get things done, especially since the huge widow maker tree (estimated at 50,000 lbs) is NOT covered by insurance, so the owner will have to pay for that :/ I've talked to more people today than I care to talk to in a month's time - and many of them such fast talking flim flam guys that I just want to bash their faces in with my rake (and I'm not violent at all...lol!)

I had one estimate on the roof - and that company is obviously just milking insurance for all it is worth...grrrr - makes me so angry. Anyway, I don't get to make the decision unfortunately, we just have to live with whatever decision he makes. We've got most of the front yard debris out by the curb already - so we'll tackle the back yard on Sunday and Monday. I did see some signs of life from a few perennials - and maybe my onions and garlic, possibly my lettuce starts may bounce back too; but we'll see how it looks on Sunday. One GOOD thing, I have wayyyy more sun in the yard now...LOL!!

I'm pretty sure that I can replant beans and still do okay, I just don't think I have time to replant tomatoes...do ya'll? Broccoli is gone, cukes, cabbages, peas, peppers...beaten to a pulp. Heh, all my planning and watering and babying...poof! Ah, such is life. House is intact, we're intact, and we can still buy organic food at WF - so all things considered, we're good and I'm thankful.
Maybe Mr&Mrs Bronx will let us shop out of their yard ;)

Glad to hear not too many of us gardeners were hit badly.

(yawn) Time for a bath and sleepies soon - I'm back to work tomorrow!


Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)


You are welcome anytime.

I still have some tomato seedlings. They are leggy but if you trench them, they will do fine.

Let me know


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i had plants in the carport ready to go out in the yard thats the only thing im truely upset over but life is going on.

insurance companies are so packed with stuff. i saw golf ball size hail in places and pea size in others.

wasnt home was actually at lowes waiting out storms. got home tress down all over area and one on someones car.

this weather is so weird lately and its not stopping. been in sc ga area most of my life and never seen anything like this before. yea a tornado here and yonder but wow this year alone tops it.

glad everyone is ok. Hineni hope it all gets worked out for you soon.

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