Problem With Neighbours Cat...

Metrowest, MA(Zone 6a)

Seems like a while back I saw a thread going here on Dave's on ideas on how to keep cats out of your garden.
My next door neighbours cat is outside all day while they are at work and school. These past few weeks he has found my newest
garden and decided to use it as a litter box and while doing so dug up a few of my new WS plants that I planted there this past weekend.
Any suggestions on "cat friendly" ideas on how to keep him out?


Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I spread brush clippings over the beds just until plants get big and established.
Cats won't go where they can't sit at head height.
There are also critter sprays. Liquid Fence has one for dogs and cats as well as deer squrlls and rabbits.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

None that are 'cat friendly'.... grrrrr

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Forgot to add the twiggy brush spread should be fairly high about 10 inches. Once the plants leaf out the cat will stop comming because there won't be enough area for them to dig.
We have three cats and deep mulch everywhere so they use that, I have never found anything awful.Although one did cover a Acanthus that had just been planted and wasn't up but an inch.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

How about trowing some pepper on the ground for a few days? Clem

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Don't know if any of this is useful, but:

Metrowest, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks guys! Going to try out a few options from above and see how it goes!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Not the Scairdycat or Doggone Coleus cultivars - they will scare YOU away but not the cats. I'll bet it's the freshly dug, loosened soil that is so appealing to them.


Here kitty kitty kitty! Give it a ribbon with a tag message. "Your kitty is pretty. It looks well fed. If you don't keep it home it's going to be dead".

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

Dwaine! You cracked me up! I'm still laughing as I read it to my brother who laughed, too. I am a cat lover, but cannot stand them digging in the garden. Your idea is hilarious!


May I say it is a proven idea. Worked for me. The neighborhood was abuzz wondering who could be so nasty. One person even ask me who could be so mean. I suggested a teather or exercise wire cage. Two caged areas appeared as well as a tether rig. That was years ago but the note apparently has not been forgotten. To this day I have seen no cats except when one somehow got loose.

Metrowest, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the laughs.. :) I ended up buying some foul smelling stuff from Hirts that has worked really well. The only thing is my whole yard ends up smelling like it for the first few days. Next task on my list is to set up my video cam to figure out what is eating my phlox and black eye susans when I am at work. Living in front of the state forest brings out all sorts of critters. I tell ya a gardeners work is never done.


I've given up on many items the deer munch on. The only other recourse is to fence the garden which would be very expensive. I am about to give up general gardening and go with only flowers deer are less likely to bother. Deer are way over populated and getting worse. Saw it coming but what can one do other than fence them out. The farmer's market is a much better idea. Most of them have acres fenced to do garden produce. They also have the right to thin the population if they are farming ten acres of more.

Your Black Eyed Susans............shoot I just came from seed to plant a few Brown Eyed Susans. Bet they will get hit although they are close to the house. That makes no difference if they run out of easy brouse. I have a nearby friend whose entire foundation plantings are broused to beyond repair. Talking thousands of dollars worth. His garden has a twelve foot cyclone fence that cost ten thousand bucks to put up. He is a market gardener but even so that seems beyond cost effective to me.

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

We have discussed this before and I know exactly what you are talking about. I have given up most of my outdoor gardening because of the browsing deer, rabbits, woodchucks and now the chipmunks. I won't spend a lot of time and money feeding or repelling them. If I withdraw the lure, maybe they will eat someone else's garden. I gave up on growing veggies years ago and now buy from the local farmer. He has great food and ha a family to feed. I'd much rather help him feed his family than to feed a family of deer!

I concentrate now on the house plants and a few things the deer haven't touched - yet. When they get hungry enough or there are too many of them, they will eat just about anything. My yard doesn't look like it used to, but I have less stress and a fatter wallet to purchase more orchids, succulents and food!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Don't you think this is as BRAZZEN as it gets?
She probably has a faun in the shrubs.
How can any one win.

Thumbnail by ge1836

I watched one give birth several years ago. She hung close by for a day after which she and the fawns went back on the tour. We watched those fawns into fall. All three got killed on the highway and caused a three car pile up with thousands of dollars of damage. No Bamby complex here. However that was horrible control expense for all.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I didn't mean to imply I was FOR deer. I wish they could be hunted more heavily than they are.
Lots of stories about fatal car crashes because of them.
I was driving a Range Rover( not mine) early in the AM and a stag came up out of a culvert ditch and lost a big chunk of his leg on the front brush bar.
Scared me, I reacted and overcorrected the car and nearly rolled it over.

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

We had a neighbor who got a couple of cats and didn't have them fixed. They also didn't keep them in the house and they were wild and inbred. That summer, they were working on a bridge at the end of the road and the through traffic was closed off. Each morning, we'd find a cat had been hit by a vehicle out on the road. It was a shame, but I had fewer cats digging in my garden and leaving stinky surprises. Do you know those people moved and left the cats? We had a terrible time with them.

We always lose a few fawns to the road as well. I live on a county road which is situated between other county and state roads. The deer are a real problem for the motorists here especially since it is quite wooded.

And ge, the does do the same thing in my yard. In fact, that's one of the reasons I gave up on vegetable gardening. They would jump the fence and lay down right in the garden! Didn't even have to go anywhere to dine! The babies are cute for about 10 minutes and then I'm the crazy woman in the neighborhood scaring them away. Most of the time they just look at me like I'm a crazy woman and stroll a few feet away! Do you know that we have friends who have had deer run into the side of their vehicle? It isn't bad enough that you run into them, they will run right into you! Try explaining that to the insurance company.

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