Please id my Hydrangea?

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Please id my Hydrangea?

Thumbnail by robcorreia
San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

These are the blooms...very interesting colors.

Thumbnail by robcorreia
San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Anyone? : )

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Unfortunately it can be hard to ID hydrangeas because the flower colors are variable depending on soil pH, etc. Someone might have that exact same plant but not recognize it because in their yard it's more blue, or a different shade of pink, etc. The greenish color on some of the florets is interesting and might be a distinguishing characteristic, but again that may be something that doesn't always show up.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Hummm..bummer! I would love to know what it is...

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Don't give up hope yet, someone may have some ideas particularly if those greenish florets are a typical distinguishing characteristic. It's just that hydrangeas are tougher than other plants to get ID's on because of the variability in flower color so I wanted you to know why you didn't have 10 suggestions waiting for you already like you probably would with any other type of plant!

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

OK! : )

Edgartown, MA(Zone 7a)

You might have to play detective to narrow this down.
1. How old is the plant ?
2. Size of plant
3. The leaf is dark and shiney as opposed to the lighter duller color of say a 'Nikko'
4. Look closely at the petals do they have ridges or are they smooth?
5. What Hydrangreas are commonly grown in your area.
6. Check different the Hydrangea web pages to narrow your search down further.
If what you want is another plant just like the one you have it might be easier to propogate this one I find layering the easiest method. kt


San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Thanks Runktrun! I have no idea how old it is but it's pretty large, about 4x4. the leaves are a glossy dark green (at least on the ones that are not sunscorched!) and flower petals are smooth.
Great idea on checking the website for hints. Actually I must add that I bought from those guys twice and their plants are FABULOUS!

Edgartown, MA(Zone 7a)

I have ordered from them as well and you are right they have fabulous stock but having them shipped to the east coast cost more than the shrub!!! kt

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

What size plants did you get? I ordered the 2yr old and the 3 yr old and found that it is TOTALLY worth it to buy the 3yr old altough it's more expensive. The 3yr olds I planted in winter are covered in blooms!

Edgartown, MA(Zone 7a)

It was so many years ago I can't recall but I would think it was likely they were three year olds. What did you buy from them or better yet what hydrangeas are you growing? Living in New England I grow very different varieties from my sister who lives in Fla., I'd love to know what is sucessful in San Diego. kt

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

I have (in addition to the one in the pic) 2 Paniculatas "Unique" that are blooming profusely, and also 2 Serratas. The Paniculatas are doing fabulous, but the Serratas REALLY resent the heat/sun, I had to move them twice already to shadier and shadier spots...I think finally they will be ok now - they finally ended up in my norhtern side foundation planting!

Edgartown, MA(Zone 7a)

Interesting, I have always lusted after 'Unique' but it isn't found in commerce in my neck of the woods. I shipped a failure to bloom H. macrophylla 'Ayesha' to my sister in central Fla. and it has been consistently a show case for her...perhaps for you as well. Thought I would begin a post of photo's/info of my hydrangea's on a new thread...hmmm it will take me a while to gather last years photos but I will name the thread..."New England Hydrangeas 2007/2008" kt

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

I got "Unique " at hydrangeasplus too...check it out:

Sorry I mixed it up above, my Unique is not blooming yet. The ones blooming profusely are the two 3 yr old macrophyllas:

I'm in love with them!!!

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